Holy New Martyr Theokhares at Neopolis in Asia Minor

In the year 1740, during the reign of Sultan Ahmed and Ibrahim Pasha, general governor of Asia Minor, a decree was issued to kidnap Christian boys and place them in concentration camps. Among them was an orphan named Theokhares (Theokhárēs).1 One day, however, the judge of Neopolis (Nevşehir) in Cappadocia, saw Theokhares in the camp, liked him, and took him home to take care of his animals.

The piety and comeliness of Theokhares led the judge to suggest that he become his son-in-law, but only after he became a Moslem.Theokhares replied, "My master, I was born a Christian, and I cannot deny the Faith of my Savior, nor that of my Fathers."

The Ottoman judge found this answer offensive and threatened him with torture. When he repeated his refusal and confessed his Faith, they threw him into prison without food for many days. He was nourished by prayer, however, and he did not feel any hunger; he was satisfied with a little water once in a while.

Then Theokhares ran to the church of Saint George and partook of the Spotless Mysteries. When the judge repeated his offer to let him marry his daughter, Theokhares firmly refused.

Then, after horrible torture, they took him an hour’s journey from the city of Neapolis, where he was stoned and then hanged at noon on a white poplar tree on August 20, 1740.

In 1923 the relics of Saint Theokhares came to Thessaloniki and were placed in the church of St. Katherine, where they remain today.

1 His name means "the grace of God."