Saint Platonis of Nisibis, Syria

At first Saint Platonis (Platonίs) was a deaconess, but later she withdrew into the Nisibian desert, where she founded a women’s monastery.
The Rule of her monastery was known for its strictness. The sisters partook of food only once a day. When they were not praying, they spent their time in monastic labors and various obediences.
On Friday, the day commemorating the sufferings of Christ the Savior on the Cross, all work stopped, and the nuns were in church from morning until evening. Between services they read from Holy Scripture and from commentaries.
Mother Platonis was a living example of strict monastic asceticism, meekness, and love for one's neighbor for all the sisters. After reaching a ripe old age, Venerable Platonis reposed peacefully in the year 308.