“Svena” Icon of the Mother of God

The Svena Caves Icon of the Mother of God was painted by Saint Alypios of the Caves (August 17). In the Icon the Mother of God is depicted sitting upon a throne, and with the Divine Infant on her lap. Saint Theodosios is on the right side of the throne, and Saint Anthony of the Caves on the left. Until the year 1288 it was in the Kiev Caves Monastery, where it was glorified by miracles. In 1288 it was transferred to the Bryansk-Svena Monastery, which is dedicated to the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos.
Prince Roman of Chernigov became blind while at Bryansk. Hearing about the miracles worked by the Icon painted by Saint Alypios, the prince sent a courier to the Monastery asking that the Icon be brought to him at Bryansk. A priest was sent with the Icon along the River Desna. After the voyage the boat landed on the right bank of the Svena River. After resting for the night, they went to the opposite shore by boat the next morning to pray before the Icon, but they did not find it there. They saw it on a hill on the opposite bank, resting in the branches of an oak tree. News of this reached Prince Roman, and they led him to the Icon on foot.
The prince prayed fervently for his sight to return. A Moleben was served, and the prince was able to see. In his gratitude Prince Roman vowed to build a wooden church in honor of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos. The tree on which the Icon had rested was cut down and used to make boards for other icons. At the same time, an annual commemoration of the Svena Icon was established for May 3. It is also commemorated on August 17 (the day of the repose of Saint Alypios the Iconographer).
The icon was glorified by healings of the blind and of the possessed, and has long been regarded as a protector from enemies.