Saint Athanasius of Meteora

Saint Athanasios, the son of wealthy parents, was born in 1302 at Hypátē, the well-known medieval town of New Patras, and was named Andronikos in Holy Baptism. His mother died during childbirth, and after a short time his father also reposed. Thus, young Andronikos lost both of his parents in a very early age. Then he found sympathy, affection, and love from his father's brother, who saw to his education, taking care of all his needs, and taught him to read and write.
After the capture of his hometown by the Catalans in 1318/19, the chief of the Franks took Andronikos into his home. At the first opportunity, Andronikos escaped and was free. He hastened to rejoin his uncle, who had been banished to a distant place. Andronikos found him, and the two booked passage on a ship bound for Thessaloniki. The godly uncle suffered from a chronic joint disease, however, and after some time, he reposed at Akapniou Monastery.
Andronikos then went to live with the imperial secretary of the military command, who became his guardian for a short time. Andronikos wanted to be trained in secular learning and classical studies. Since he had no money to pay the instructors, he would stand outside and listen while the students were being taught. Some of the school's philosophers noticed his love of learning and his eagerness, so they they taught him without asking for a fee.
After benefitting from his teachers' knowledge, Andronikos became quite educated and cultured. Then he decided to go on pilgrimage. When he was seventeen years old, Andronikos traveled to Mount Athos, where he conversed with many holy Fathers, seeking their prayers and blessings. The Athonite Fathers, however, refused to allow the boy to remain, since he was still a beardless youth.
Andronikos made his way to Constantinople, visiting churches, and venerating the relics of the Saints. While there he met several prominent and virtuous Fathers, such as Gregory of Sinai, the future Ecumenical Patriarch Isidore (1347-1350), who supported Saint Gregory Palamas, and then made him Metropolitan of Thessaloniki, Daniel the Hesychast, and other notable persons of the monastic community. With their help he was initiated into the secrets of the hesychastic life and, like a bee, he gathered whatever was useful and necessary to acquire virtue.
He traveled to Crete in 1325 where he stayed for a certain time and lived as an ascetic, receiving hospitality from a virtuous and charitable Cretan man. When he noticed this man was trying to lure him back into the world in order to marry his daughter, he decided to forsake the world. Therefore, he returned to Mount Athos in 1332, by which time he was approximately thirty years old. At Milea on the Holy Mountain he was accepted as a novice by two virtuous anchorites, Gregory and Moses, who had attained the heights of virtue. Subsequently, he was tonsured by Hieromonk Gregory, taking the name Anthony. He quickly distinguished himself and then received his new monastic name of Athanasios when he was tonsured into the Great Schema.
However, the predatory incursions of the Turks and the unfavorable circumstances prevailing at that time forced Saint Athanasios to leave Mount Athos together with his Spiritual Father Gregory, and another disciple, Gabriel. At Thessaloniki and Beroia many important men were willing to give them hospitality, but the two monks did not consent to stay because Athanasios had a great aversion to secular society and to the noise of the city.
So on the advice of Bishop Jacob of Servia (a city between northern Thessaly and southern Macedonia), they went to the Thessalian rocks of Stagoi, which the biographer of Athanasios describes as "the largest and highest rocks created by God since the beginning of the world." Following the bishop's advice they found the rocks, but there was nothing living on them but vultures and crows.
Hieromonk Gregory and Saint Athanasios settled on the rock of Stylos, which today is called the Rock of the Holy Spirit. Gregory remained there for an entire decade. After a certain period of time, Father Athanasios withdrew, with his mentor’s blessing, to a cave in the rock. There in prayer and solitude, he spent his time weaving baskets so that he was never idle, and so he was kept safe from the danger of falling into temptation.
Seeking even more seclusion and serenity, always with Elder Gregory’s blessing, he selected another rock, “a place for anchorites, a rock which rose high into the skies,” where he went around the year 1340, this time for good. The rock is the so-called Platylithos (Wide Rock), which Athanasios himself called Meteoron, a name that was preserved through the centuries, and applied, in general, to the whole complex of the surrounding monasteries which became famous far beyond the borders of Greece.
Equipped with the wings of the Holy Spirit, and with unwavering will and faith, the humble monk Athanasios almost flew, and at last stepped onto this sun-drenched rock, hitherto touched only by the rays of the sun, as it is mentioned in a sigillion (April 1580) of the Ecumenical Patriarch Mētrophánēs III: “Motivated by divine love, the holy monk Athanasios, taking the wings of the Holy Spirit, first flew to this sun-drenched rock which dominated in Stagoi, and justifiably called Meteoron, being the highest of all. There he found a holy place, a true paradise containing, instead of fruit-bearing trees, men who bore the divine fruits of the Holy Spirit."
There Athanasios built his ascetic refuge and organized the first systematic monastic community with a strict cenobitic Rule which he formulated himself. The brotherhood under Athanasios had fourteen members. Initially, the holy anchorite built the church of the Mother of God, to whom he also dedicated the Monastery, as he himself said to his fellow ascetics shortly before his death: “I entrust you to the protection of the Most Holy Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, to whom this Monastery is dedicated.” He built another church in honor of the Transfiguration of Christ, which later became the katholikon of the Monastery and gave it its final name of Transfiguration Monastery, which is preserved until today.
Saint Athanasios made this steep and inaccessible rock into an easy path to our Lord, Who is the Cornerstone of our Church: "This hard stone, Father, you labored hard to make it a path to the Cornerstone."
Today as one climbs up the rocky stairway to the monastery, on the left just before the entrance, one can see the Hermitage of Saint Athanasios within the natural crevice in the rock arranged as a humble and basic dwelling with a small chapel. Here, according to tradition, the holy hermit first lived alone after he had climbed the Wide Rock, and before he built a church on the rocky ledge, with cells for the monks who began to gather there.
As humble as Athanasios had been all his life, he remained an ordinary monk. Perhaps due to his great humility, he did not leave any written texts, although he was very knowledgeable and well educated.
According to his biographer, he reposed peacefully after a brief illness (gall bladder and liver) at the age of seventy-eight, probably in the year 1380, on April 20th. Shortly before his death, Saint Athanasios chose Hieromonk Makarios to be the Spiritual Father of the Great Meteoron after his death: “I command that you have Hieromonk Makarios as the Protos and Spiritual Father. This is because, from the beginning, before I became ill, I entrusted him with the supervision of the daily and practical needs of the Monastery. Now it would be beneficial for him to guide and regulate your spiritual conduct."
Yet this only lasted a short time, since by November 1381 the former king John Urosh, and now the monk Joasaph, assumed the role as successor to Saint Athanasios, with his blessing while alive and with the mutual consent of the entire brotherhood, he became the second founder and builder of the Great Meteoron.