Lives of the Saints

2nd Saturday of Great Lent: Memorial Saturday

Saturday is the day which the Church has set aside for the commemoration of faithful Orthodox Christians departed this life in the hope of resurrection to eternal life. Since the Divine Liturgy cannot be served on weekdays during Great Lent, the second, third, and fourth Saturdays of the Fast are…

Hieromartyr Basil of Ancyra

Hieromartyr Basil of Ancyra

Hieromartyr Basil was a presbyter in Ancyra, Galatia. Fighting against the Arian heresy, he urged his flock to cling firmly to Orthodoxy. Because of this Saint Basil was deposed from his priestly rank by a local Arian council, but a Council of 230 bishops in Palestine reinstated him. Saint Basil…

Martyr Drosίs, daughter of Emperor Trajan

Martyr Drosίs, daughter of Emperor Trajan

The Holy Martyr Drosίs, and five Virgin Martyrs with her: Agalϊda (Αγλαϊδα), Apollinarίa (Ἀπολλιναρία), Daria (Δαρεία), Mamousa (Μαμούσα), and Thaϊs (Θαΐς). Saint Drosίs was the daughter of Emperor Trajan (98-117), a fierce persecutor of Christians. In the…

Venerable Isaac the Confessor, Founder of the Dalmatian Monastery at Constantinople

Venerable Isaac the Confessor, Founder of the Dalmatian Monastery at Constantinople

Saint Isaac, the founder of the Dalmaton Monastery (Μονή Δαλμάτων) at Constantinople, lived during the IV century, in the reign of Emperor Valens (364-378), who was an adherent of the Arian heresy. Saint Isaac was tonsured as a monk when he was young, and through his ascetical…

Monastic Martyr Euthymius of Prodromou, Mount Athos

This holy New Martyr of Christ was born in Demitsana in the Peloponnesos. His parents were Panagiotes and Maria, and he was given the name Eleutherius in Baptism. Eleutherius was the youngest of five children (the others were George, Christos, John, and Katerina). After attending school in…

Martyrs Kalliniki and Basilissa

Martyrs Kalliniki and Basilissa

Saints Basilissa (Βασίλισσα) and Kalliniki (Καλλίνικη) were from Galatia. Since Saint Basilissa was wealthy, she gave money to Saint Kalliniki to go to the prison and distribute it to the Christians who were…