Ven. Anthony of Iezeru-Vâlcea Skete

Saint Anthony the Hesychast was born in the sub-Carpathian Mountains of Vâlcea county in Romania, and he loved Christ from his early childhood. He visited many of the monasteries and sketes in that area, conversing with the hesychasts who sought quietude in the mountains. They had a profound effect upon his life, and in time, he entered the monastic life at Iezeru Skete in the beautiful wilderness of Vâlcea.
In 1690, after acquiring experience in the ascetical life, the Igoumen blessed him to live as a solitary a few kilometers above Iezeru Skete on the mountain of the same name. He walked from place to place searching for a stone cave for his cell and a chapel. Finally he found a small cave, where he glorified God and struggled against the demons. Only true hesychasts know what great temptations and trials face those who wish to live as hermits. Saint Anthony labored for three years, digging a chapel out of the cliffside with only a hammer and chisel. He worked during the day, and kept vigil by night. The cave was a shelter for his body, exhausted by his fasting and prostrations. Yet, his soul was not at rest because there was no church nearby where he could lift up his heart and hands in prayer day and night. From time to time, a Hieromonk from the Skete would come to serve the Divine Liturgy on Feast Days and during the fasts.
After praying to the Mother of God, he began to hollow out a space for a small chapel. When it was finished, it was consecrated by Bishop Hilarion of Râmnicu Vâlcea. In this little chapel, the blessed one prayed unceasingly, together with the Angels in heaven, reading the daily Services, and making hundreds of prostrations. Who can describe his long fasts for three days and more, his all-night vigils, his battles with unseen enemies who cannot abide the humility and hardships of the Saints, and his fervent prayer and incessant tears from his heart? He never slept for more than two or three hours a night, nor did he eat anything but breadcrumbs soaked in water and salt, with a few vegetables that he grew in his little garden. He repeated the Jesus Prayer unceasingly from his heart, and he read the Psalms with many tears of humility.
Saint Anthony’s holy life became known throughout the area, and many of the clergy and laity flocked to him for spiritual advice or consolation in their sorrows. He received them with love, gave them the help they needed, and then sent them home in peace. Through his influence, a genuine spiritual revival took place in sub-Carpathian Oltenia.
Saint Anthony fell asleep in the Lord in 1714 after twenty-five years of spiritual struggles. His disciples mourned him, and buried him beside his small chapel. His Life was written by his disciple Father Nicholas. The faithful still go there to light candles and to pray, asking for his blessing and assistance.
Saint Anthony the Hesychast was glorified by the Orthodox Church of Romania in 1992. The inscription on his scroll reads “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me.”