Repose of Venerable Diodorus, Igoumen of George Hill

Saint Diodoros (Diódoros) of Yuriegorsk, George Hill (Георгиевского холма) was born in the village of Turchasovo on the Onega River, half-way between Archangelsk and Kargopol. His parents, Hierotheos and Maria, named their son Diomedes. When he was fifteen years old he went on a pilgrimage to Solovki Monastery, and remained there as a novice. When he was nineteen, he was tonsured by Igoumen Anthony, who gave him the name Damian. The new monk was assigned to an experienced Elder for spiritual direction: Hieromonk Joseph of Great Novgorod.
Because of his love for solitude, the holy ascetic left the Monastery frequently and went to a deserted island, where he stayed for several days at a time. Once he remained on the island for forty days, but he did not bring any food or other supplies. He became so exhausted that the brethren found him barely alive. After they brought him back to the Monastery, he received the Holy Mysteries and his health began to improve. He lived with the anchorites on desolate islands, and then he settled at Lake Vodla. There he spent seven years with his disciple Prokhoros.
Resolving to establish a Monastery in honor of the Life-giving Trinity at George Hill, 16.5 miles from Olonets, the venerable one went to Moscow, where he received a charter from Tsar Michael (1613-1645), as well as funds from the Tsar’s mother, the Nun and Eldress Martha. Metropolitan Cyprian of Novgorod provided him with an antimension for the altar, some money, and various supplies for his return trip. He also gave him a document which exempted the Monastery from taxes, and a priest who was to perform the Divine Services in the Monastery church.
On one occasion, Saint Diodoros traveled to Novgorod to collect alms for the Monastery. As he was making his way back to the Monastery, he met a pious man named John. He lived in the village of Amdoma with his young daughter, who was engaged to someone. Speaking with the Saint, John said, "Holy Father, I wish to give my daughter in marriage."
Saint Diodoros was silent for a moment, and then he replied, "O servant of God, wait a while, and then act in the way which is pleasing to God."
The next day, the Saint left for his Monastery. Forty days later, John's daughter reposed as a virgin.
Shortly before his repose, Saint Diodoros had to travel to Kargopol on Monastery business. Taking leave of Hieromonk Joasaph and Elder Prokhoros, he entrusted them with guiding the Monastery. He told Prokhoros of his approaching death. "We shall no longer see each other," he said. "If it is pleasing to the Lord, we will meet in the life to come."
He departed to the Lord on November 27, 1633 and was buried at Kargopol. Two years later his incorrupt body was transferred to Holy Trinity Monastery and was buried by the south wall of the cathedral church.
Saint Diodoros is commemorated on November 20 because the day of his repose coincides with the Feast of the Icon of the Mother of God “Of the Sign.”
His relics rest in a hidden place in his former Monastery (now a parish church). There is a manuscript Service in his honor.