Lives of the Saints

Bright Friday: The Life Giving Fountain of the Mother of God

Bright Friday: The Life Giving Fountain of the Mother of God

Today we commemorate the Life-Giving Fountain of the Most Holy Theotokos. There once was a beautiful church in Constantinople dedicated to the Mother of God, which had been built in the fifth century by the holy Emperor Leo the Great (January 20) in the Seven Towers district. Before becoming…

Appearance of the Icon of the Mother of God “The Footprint” at Pochaev

Appearance of the Icon of the Mother of God “The Footprint” at Pochaev

On Bright Friday we commemorate the Appearance of the Icon of the Mother of God “The Footprint” at Pochaev. In the year 1340, two monks came and settled in a cave on the hill where the monastery is now located. After reading his usual Prayer Rule, one of them went to the top of the hill, and…

Martyr Eupsychius of Caesarea, in Cappadocia

Martyr Eupsychius of Caesarea, in Cappadocia

The Holy Martyr Eupsychius was born in the city of Caesarea in Cappadocia and received a Christian upbringing by his illustrious parents. During the reign of Julian the Apostate (361-363), Saint Eupsychius entered into a Christian marriage. At Caesarea there was a pagan temple to the goddess…

Hieromartyr Desan, Bishop in Persia, and 272 others with him

Hieromartyr Desan, Bishop in Persia, and 272 others with him

The Holy Martyrs Bishop Desan, Presbyter Mariabus, Abdiesus, and 270 others were put to death under the Persian emperor Sapor II. Imprisoned, they refused to turn away from the Christian Faith. In their number also was the Martyr Ia, who is commemorated also on September 11.

Monastic Martyr Bademus (Vadim) of Persia

Monastic Martyr Bademus (Vadim) of Persia

Monk Martyr Archimandrite Bademus (Vadim) was born in the fourth century in the Persian city of Bithlapata, and was descended from a rich and illustrious family. In his youth, he was enlightened with the Christian teaching. The saint gave away all his wealth to the poor and withdrew into the…

Saint Eleni (also called Susanna), New Martyr of Lesbos

Saint Eleni (who was also called Susanna) is one of the New Martyrs of Lesbos who are commemorated on Bright Tuesday. She was Saint Irene’s older cousin, and suffered along with Saints Raphael, Nicholas, and Irene on April 9, 1463 (Bright Tuesday). On November 12, 1961 Mrs. Basilike Rallis…

New Martyrs Raphael, Nicholas, and Irene of Lesbos

New Martyrs Raphael, Nicholas, and Irene of Lesbos

Newly-Appeared Martyrs of Lesbos, Saints Raphael, Nicholas and Irene were martyred by the Turks on Bright Tuesday (April 9, 1463) ten years after the Fall of Constantinople. For nearly 500 years, they were forgotten by the people of Lesbos, but “the righteous Judge... opened the things that…