“Sweet-Kissing” Icon of the Mother of God of Smolensk

The Smolensk “Tenderness” Icon of the Mother of God manifested itself in the year 1103 at Smolensk. There is another Smolensk “Tenderness” Icon from the vicinity of Okopa (down from Smolensk). This icon was in the encampment of the Russian armies of the military commander Shein, restraining the Polish besiegers from destroying Smolensk for twenty months (1611-1613).
The Mother of God is depicted gazing tenderly at the Divine Child, Who reclines in her lap, resting His head on her left arm. Both of her hands rest just below her neck.
The Savior holds an orb in His right hand, the symbol of sovereignty and power. In some icons, however, the orb is in His left hand.
The nine hundredth anniversary of the Smolensk Tenderness Icon's appearance was observed in 2003.