Confessor and Wonderworker Quintus of Phrygia

The Holy Confessor Quintus was from Phrygia, a Roman province of Asia Minor, during the reign of Aurelian (270-275). From his youth he was raised in Christian faith and piety. After his arrival at the village of Aiolida,1 he gave alms to the poor. and by his prayers he healed those who were possessed by unclean spirits. Rufus, the governor of the region, tried to force the Saint to offer sacrifice to the pagan idols, but instead, he himself became possessed by a demon, and Saint Quintus healed him in Christ's name. Shocked and grateful, Rufus released Saint Quintus, and also gave him many gifts.

The holy ascetic journeyed to Pergamum, but on the way he was seized by pagans from the city of Cumae, who tortured him because he was a Christian. But the Lord Himself interceded for the Holy Confessor: and there was a powerful earthquake which destroyed a pagan temple. The frightened pagans ended his torments, but left the Saint in chains until the arrival of the new ruler Clearchus. Not even forty days after the earthquake, Clearchos arrested the Saint again, and ordered the Saint's legs to be broken, but by the grace of God, he was healed. After his labors as a Confessor, he lived for another ten years in the service of his neighbors.

After working many miracles, he fell asleep in the Lord peacefully in the year 283.

1 In the printed Synaxaristes the name is is written as Neolis.