Lives of the Saints

Sunday of the Forefathers

Sunday of the Forefathers

The Sunday that falls between December 11-17 is known as the Sunday of the Holy Forefathers. These are the ancestors of Christ according to the flesh, who lived before the Law and under the Law, especially the Patriarch Abraham, to whom God said, “In thy seed shall all of the nations of the…

Righteous Priest Aaron

Righteous Priest Aaron

The Righteous Aaron was the son of Amram and Jochebed, and the elder brother of the Prophet Moses the God-seer, and also of Miriam. He was a direct descendent of Levi by both parents. God called him “the Levite” in Exodus 4:14, when He appointed Aaron to be the spokesman for Moses, who…

Righteous Benjamin

Righteous Benjamin

The youngest son of Jacob, he was called Benoni and then Benjamin (Genesis 35:16-18). Before his death Jacob blessed him in a seemingly backhanded way, saying that “Benjamin is a ravenous wolf, devouring his prey in the morning, and dividing the spoil in the evening” (Genesis 49:27).…

Righteous Deborah

Righteous Deborah

Information about the holy Prophetess and Judge Deborah may be found in the Book of Judges 4:5-14, and also chapter 5.

Righteous Hezron

The Righteous Hezron (Esrom, or Esron) is mentioned in the Old Testament genealogies: Genesis 46:12, Ruth 4:18, and 1 Chronicles 2:9 (LXX). He was the son of Perez (Phares) and the father of Aram (or Ioram), and an ancestor of the Prophet-King David. According to the New Testament genealogies…

Righteous Isaac

Righteous Isaac

The Righteous Isaac was the second of the Old Testament Patriarchs, and the son of Abraham (Genesis 17:17-22). God tested Abraham to see if he would sacrifice his son (Genesis 22:1-13), and thus Isaac was a type of Christ. He was the husband of Rebecca (Genesis 24:67), and the father of Jacob and…

Righteous Jacob

Righteous Jacob

The Righteous Jacob is mentioned in the book of Genesis, chapters 25-50. He had a dream of a ladder (Genesis 28:12-17). Angels were ascending and descending the ladder, and the Lord was above the ladder (a type of the Mother of God, who united earth to Heaven when she consented to become the mother…

Righteous Judith

Righteous Judith

Information about the Righteous Judith may be found in the Old Testament book bearing her name.

Righteous Miriam

Righteous Miriam

Saint Miriam, like her brothers Moses and Aaron, was descended from the tribe of Levi. When Moses was an infant, the Hebrew midwives were ordered to kill any male child when they assisted at childbirths, but they refused to obey. Moses was hidden by his mother for three months, and then, when she…

Prophet Nathan

Prophet Nathan

The Prophet Nathan was an advisor to King David and King Solomon. He is mentioned in the Prayer of Absolution in the Mystery of Confession: “It was God Who pardoned David through the Prophet Nathan when he had confessed his sin....” David had committed adultery with Uriah's wife…

Prophet Nehemiah

Prophet Nehemiah

The Old Testament book of Nehemiah tells of how he returned from the Captivity in Babylon in the twentieth year of the Persian King Artaxerxes (445/444 B.C.) to rebuild Jerusalem and to govern the province. He and Ezra purified the Jewish people by making known the Law of Moses, and forcing the men…

Righteous Noah

Righteous Noah

The Righteous Noah is mentioned in the Book of Genesis (chapters 5-9). Seeing the wicked deeds of men, God decided to destroy man from the earth, and even cattle, reptiles, and birds. But Noah found favor with the Lord, Who spared him, his sons and their wives. Therefore, God commanded Noah to…

Righteous Rebecca

Righteous Rebecca

Rebecca was the wife of the Old Testament Patriarch Isaac, and the mother of Jacob and Esau. She is mentioned in Genesis 22:23; Chapters 24-28; and Chapter 49:31. Saint Paul also mentions her (Romans 9:10).

Righteous Sarah

Righteous Sarah

Sarah was the wife of the Old Testament Patriarch Abraham and the mother of Isaac. At first she was called Sarai, and her name was changed to Sarah (Genesis 17:15-16). The three men who visited Abraham at the oak of Mamre told her that she would conceive and have a son (Genesis 18:10). She did not…

Prophet Solomon

Prophet Solomon

The Prophet-King Solomon (ca. 972 - 932 B.C.) was the son of David and Bathsheba. He succeeded his father as King and reigned for forty years. He built the palace and the Temple at Jerusalem, and was renowned for his wisdom. The Old Testament books of Proverbs, the Song of Songs, and the Wisdom of…

Righteous Susanna

Righteous Susanna

The 64-verse story of Susanna is found in the Septuagint Greek as a Preamble to the Book of Daniel. The Latin Vulgate, however, places the story of Susanna at the end of the Book of Daniel, which constitutes the book's thirteenth chapter.

Righteous Ruth

Information about the Righteous Ruth, the wife of Boaz, may be found in the Old Testament book bearing her name.

Righteous Mary

Saint Mary is the mother of Saint Anna, and the grandmother of the Theotokos.

Hieromartyr Eleutherius, Bishop of Illyria, his mother, Martyr Evanthia, and Caribus the Eparch

Hieromartyr Eleutherius, Bishop of Illyria, his mother, Martyr Evanthia, and Caribus the Eparch

Saint Eleutherius, the son of an illustrious Roman citizen, was raised in Christian piety by his mother. His virtue was such that at the age twenty, he had been elevated to bishop of Illyria. In the reign of the emperor Hadrian, Saint Eleutherius was tortured for his bold preaching about Christ,…

Venerable Paul of Latros

Saint Paul of Latros was a native of the city of Aelen in Pergamum. Early bereft of his father, he was educated at the monastery of Saint Stephen in Phrygia. After the death of his mother, he devoted himself completely to monastic deeds at a monastery on Mount Latra, near Miletos. Seeking even…

Saint Stephen the Confessor, Archbishop of Sourozh, Crimea

Saint Stephen the Confessor, Archbishop of Sourozh, Crimea

Saint Stephen the Confessor, Archbishop of Surrentium (Sourozh), was a native of Cappadocia and was educated at Constantinople. After receiving the monastic tonsure, he withdrew into the wilderness, where he lived for thirty years in ascetic deeds. Patriarch Germanus of Constantinople (May 12)…

Venerable Tryphon, Abbot of Pechenga

Venerable Tryphon, Abbot of Pechenga

Saint Tryphon of Pechenga and Kola (Mētrophánēs in the world), was born in the Novgorod governia into a priestly family. The pious parents raised their son in the fear of God. From his early years Tryphon had resolved to devote his life to apostolic deeds and to go to the pagan Laplanders to…

Martyr Jonah, disciple of Tryphon of Pechenga

Saint Jonah of Pechenga and Kola was, as tradition tells us, a priest in the city of Kola. After the death of his daughter and wife he went off to the Pechenga-Trinity monastery near Kola, and became a disciple of its founder, Saint Tryphon. After the death of his teacher, he settled in 1583 at the…

Martyr Eleutherius at Constantinople

Martyr Eleutherius at Constantinople

The Holy Martyr Eleutherius Cubicularius was an illustrious and rich chamberlain [“cubicularius”] at the Byzantine court. With all his courtly privileges, Eleutherius was not beguiled by worldly possessions and honors. Instead, he thought of imperishable and eternal things. Having…

Venerable Pardus the Hermit, of Palestine

Saint Pardus the Hermit, a Roman, was involved in his youth with the teamster’s craft. Once, when he traveled to Jericho, a boy accidentally fell under the legs of his camels. The camels trampled the boy to death. Shaken by this occurrence, Pardus became a monk and withdrew to Mount Arion.…

Hieromartyr Hilarion, Archbishop of Verey

Hieromartyr Hilarion, Archbishop of Verey

The holy New Martyr Archbishop Hilarion (Vladimir Alexievich Troitsky in the world), an outstanding theologian, an eloquent preacher, and a fearless defender of Christ’s holy Church, was born around 1885. Vladika Hilarion wrote many books and articles on various topics, including “The…

Saint Nectarius of Bitel

Saint Nectarius of Bitel was born in the small town of Bitel (or Butili) in Bulgaria. In the world he was named Nicholas. Before a Turkish invasion his mother had a vision: the Most Holy Virgin Herself appeared and told her to flee and go into hiding with her husband and children. Nicholas’s…