Gerontissa Icon of the Mother of God

The Holy Gerontissa Icon of the Mother of God is kept reverently in Pantokrator Monastery on the Holy Mountain. It is a copy of the mosaic "Quick to Hear" Icon, which was located in Pantokrator Monastery in Constantinople. The name "Gerontissa" was given after a miracle of the Theotokos. When the miracle occurred, the elderly Igoumen, who was approaching the final days of his life, asked to partake of the Spotless Mysteries. Therefore, he pleaded with the priest who was serving that day to shorten the Divine Liturgy, so that he could receive Holy Communion. Then the priest heard the voice of the Panagia, who commanded him to finish the Divine Liturgy quickly, so that the Elder could receive Communion. So it happened. As soon as the Elder communed, he reposed peacefully, and from then on the Icon was called "Gerontissa" ("Eldress") in remembrance of the Elder.

The Gerontissa Icon is also commemorated on December 2.