Synaxis of the Saints of Vladimir

The Synaxis of the Saints of Vladimir was established in 1982 with the blessing of Patriarch Pimen on the Feast Day of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God.
Abram the Bulgarian (+ March 6, 1229)
Archbishop Mētrophánēs (+ February 4, 1238)
Holy Martyr Patrick (+ 1411)
Nikḗtas of Pereyaslavl (+ May 24, 1186)
Elijah Muromets of the Caves (+ December 19, 1188)
Archimandrite Pakhomios and Igoumen Theodosios (+ 1237)
Igoumen Daniel of Uspensk (+ 1238)
Michael Vepizhnik (+ 1333)
Sergius of Radonezh (+ September 25, 1392)
Roman of Kirzhach (+ July 29, 1392)
Pakhomios of Nerekhta (+ May 15, 1384)
Euthymios of Suzdal (+ April 1, 1404)
Stephen of Makhra (+ July 14,1406)
Nikon of Radonezh (+ November 17,1426)
Kosmas of Yakhroma (+ February 18, 1492)
Archimandrite Job of Vladimir (+ XV century)
Arkadios of Vyaznikov (+ 1592)
Prokhor and Vassian of Zayastrebye (+ 1592)
Dionysios of Pereyaslavl (+ April 15, 1645)
Lukian of Aleksandrov (+ 1654)
Cornelius of Aleksandrov (+ 1681)
Zosima of Aleksandrov (+ circa 1713)
Maria (Martha in monasticism) (+ 1206)
Theodosia (monastic name: Euphrosyne) (+ May 4, 1244)
Euphrosynē of Suzdal (+ September 1250)
Vassa (in the monastery of Theodore) Nizhny Novgorod (+ 1378)
Sophia of Suzdal (+ December 16, 1542)
Theodosios of Murom (+ XII century)
Maxim of Kiev (+ 1305)
Alexei (Byakont) (+ 1378)
Jonah of Moscow (+ 1461)
Hilarion of Suzdal (+ 1707)
Dionysios of Suzdal († June 26,1385)
Arsenios of Elasson († 1625)
Theodore of Rostov (+ 1023)
John of Rostov (+ 1214)
Simon of Pechersk (+ 1226)
Cyril of Rostov (+ 1262)
Serapion of Vladimir (+ 1275)
Theodore of Vladimir (+ 1286)
Basil of Ryazan (+ 1295)
Archbishop Sophronios of Suzdal (+ 1654)
Mētrophánēs of Voronezh (+ 1703)
Right-believing Princes
Gleb of Murom (+ 1015)
Constantine of Murom (+ 1129)
Michael and Theodore of Murom (XII century)
Boris of Turov (+ circa 1160)
Izyaslav Andreevich (+ 1165)
Mstislav Iziaslavich (+ 1172)
Andrew of Bogolyubovo (+ July 4, 1174)
Gleb of Vladimir (+ June 20, 1174)
Michael of Vladimir († 1176)
Peter of Murom (+ June 25, 1228)
Yuri Vsevolodovich (+ February 4, 1238)
Basil (Basilko) of Rostov (+ March 4, 1238)
Vsevolod Yuriyevich of Vladimir (+ February 4, 1246)
Mstislav Yuriyevich (+ February 4, 1238)
Vladimir of Vladimir (+ February 4, 1238)
Demetrios of Vladimir (+ 1238)
Theodore Yaroslavich of Vladimir (+ February 4, 1246)
Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich (+ 1253)
Alexander Nevsky (+ November 23, 1263)
Demetrios Svyatoslavich of Yuryev (+ 1269)
Demetrios Aleksandrovich (+ 1294)
Theodore of Starodub (+ June 21, 1330)
Right-believing Princesses
Irene of Murom (+ circa 1129)
Febronia of Murom (+ 1228)
Agatha, Theodora, Maria and Christina (+ February 4, 1238)
Eudokia of Vladimir (+ XIII century)
George (+ February, 1238) and Juliana Lazareva of Murom († January 2, 1604)
Karp of Medush (+ XVII century)
Savva of Moshok (+ 1592)
Fools for Christ
Cyprian of Suzdal (+ 1622)
Eudokia of Suzdal (+ 1776)
Parthenios of Suzdal (+ second half of the XVI century)