Lives of the Saints

Sunday of the Samaritan Woman

Sunday of the Samaritan Woman

The Holy Martyr Photina (Svetlana) the Samaritan Woman, her sons Victor (named Photinus) and Joses; and her sisters Anatola, Phota, Photis, Paraskevḗ, Kyriake; Nero’s daughter Domnina; and the Martyr Sebastian: The holy Martyr Photina was the Samaritan Woman, with whom the Savior conversed…

Venerable Kyriakos the Anchorite

Venerable Kyriakos the Anchorite

Saint Kyriakos (Kyriákos)1 was born in the Greek city of Corinth to the priest John and his wife Eudokίa. Bishop Peter of Corinth, who was a family relative, seeing that Kyriakos was a quiet and sensible child, made him a Reader in church. His constant reading of the Holy Scriptures awakened in…

Martyrs Dadas, Gabdelas, and Kazdoa of Persia

The Martyrs Dadas, Gabdelas and Kazdoa (Kasdoe) accepted death for Christ under the Persian emperor Sapor. Dadas was chief steward under Sapor, and Saints Gabdelas and Kazdoa were the cruel emperor’s own children. Not knowing that Saint Dadas was a Christian, the emperor appointed him as…

Venerable Theophanes the Merciful of Gaza

Venerable Theophanes the Merciful of Gaza

Saint Theophanes the Merciful was an inhabitant of the Syrian city of Gaza. He was very kind and merciful. He took in vagrants, he helped the poor and the sick, and he spent all his substance on help for the needy, while he himself remained in want. Saint Theophanes did not grieve at all over the…

Saint Onuphrius of Saint David Gareji Monastery, Georgia

Saint Onuphrius of Saint David Gareji Monastery, Georgia

Saint Onuphrius of Gareji (Otar Machutadze in the world) lived and labored in the 18th century. He was a Kartlian aristocrat famed for his wealth, hospitality, and charity. Longing for the ascetic life, Otar wore a hair shirt under his distinguished raiment and unceasingly prayed to God for the…

Saint Cyprian of Ustiug

Saint Cyprian of Ustiug was a wealthy landowner, but turning from the vanities of the world, he received the Angelic Schema with the name Cyprian at the monastery of the Holy Trinity at Gledeno. The inhabitants of the newly-established city of Ustiug begged Saint Cyprian to build a monastery…