Venerable Theodora of Thessalonica

Saint Theodora of Thessaloniki was born of Christian parents named Anthony and Chrysánthē, who lived on the island of Aegina. Loving Christ from a young age, she forsook worldly pursuits. When she reached her majority, Saint Theodora was married and soon gave birth to a daughter. During an invasion by the Saracens (in 823), the young couple moved to the city of Thessaloniki. Here Saint Theodora dedicated her daughter to serve God in a monastery. After her husband's death, she herself became a nun in the same monastery.
There she struggled in ascetical contests and adorned her soul with virtues. Regarding the other sisters as being worthy of all honor, she was obedient to all, especially to the Igoumeness. By her labors of obedience, fasting and prayer, she so pleased God that she received the gift of working miracles, not only duriing her lifetime, but also after her death (+ 892). Even after her repose, Saint Theodora remained a model of a pure and blameless life for the nuns.
Years after the Saint’s blessed repose, the Igoumeness also departed to the heavenly habitations. When they dug the grave to bury the Igoumeness, they uncovered the relics of Saint Theodora. Then the nun, as if she were alive, moved over in the grave to make room for her Superior, setting an example of humility even after her death. When those present witnessed this remarkable event they cried: “Lord, have mercy!”
Many miracles were worked by Saint Theodora’s holy relics, which exuded myrrh. Those who came to venerate her were healed of all manner of diseases, or freed from the power of demons. Therefore, the faithful continue to honor her memory.
When the Turks captured Thessaloniki in 1430, they smashed the holy relics of Saint Theodora to pieces.
This Saint Theodora should not be confused with the other Saint Theodora of Thessaloniki who is commemorated on August 29.