Venerable Mardarios the Recluse of the Kiev Caves
Saint Mardarios (Mardários) the Recluse of the Kiev Caves, lived as an ascetic in the Far Caves of Saint Theodosios during the XIII century, enclosing himself in his cell. There he strove for perfection through prayer, fasting, and obedience. In his Troparion and Kontakion he is described as "non-acquisitive," and according to an inscription over his relics, "without a cell.” He had nothing in his cell except the clothes on his back.
In the Ode 7 of the Service for the Synaxis for the Fathers of the Far Caves (August 28) Saint Mardarios is mentioned along with Saint Ammon (October 4), and he is called a “zealot of poverty.”
Saint Mardarios was buried in the Far Caves. He is also commemorated on August 28, and at the Synaxis of all the Venerable Fathers of the Kiev Caves (movable Feast on the second Sunday of Great Lent).