Afterfeast of the Transfiguration of our Lord
Today’s hymns speak of how Christ made those who ascended Mt Tabor with Him “partakers of (His) otherworldly glory.” The Apostles, “overcome with fear, fell headlong upon the earth.”
Today’s hymns speak of how Christ made those who ascended Mt Tabor with Him “partakers of (His) otherworldly glory.” The Apostles, “overcome with fear, fell headlong upon the earth.”
The Martyrs Anicetus and Photius (his nephew) were natives of Nicomedia. Anicetus, a military official, denounced the emperor Diocletian (284-305) for setting up in the city square an implement of execution for frightening Christians. The enraged emperor ordered Saint Anicetus to be tortured, and…
Saint Alexander, Bishop of Comana, lived in the III century not far from Neocaesarea. He studied the Holy Scriptures, and knew many sciences. Having taken upon himself the exploit (podvig) of foolishness, the Saint lived in poverty, selling coal in the city square. Many, seeing his face always…
Throughout the 18th and 19th centuries the Dagestanis were continually raiding and pillaging the Davit-Gareji Wilderness. They destroyed churches and monasteries, stole sacred objects, and tortured and killed many of the monks who labored there. A Dagestani army invaded the Davit-Gareji Wilderness…
The Martyrs Pamphilus and Capiton were beheaded by the sword in the area of Oliurea near Constantinople.