Saint Niphon, Bishop of Constantia, Cyprus

Saint Niphon (Nḗphon), the Bishop of Constantia on the island of Cyprus, was born in Paphlagonia in the IV century, and was educated in Constantinople. As a child, he was gentle and kind, and he often attended Church Services. But in in his youth, he began to lead a wild and sinful life. Sometimes, when he came to his senses, he was horrified at the extent of his fall, but believing that he was lost and could not be forgiven, he continued his wicked life.
One day he met a friend who gazed at his face for a long time in astonishment. When Niphon asked why he was staring, the friend replied, “I have never seen your face like this before. It is black, like that of an Ethiopian.” These words made Niphon realize how far he had fallen, and he began to cry out to the Mother of God, asking for her intercession.
After praying for a long time, he saw that the face of the Mother of God on the Icon had become radiant, and she smiled. From that time, Niphon prayed incessantly to the Queen of Heaven. If he fell into sin, the face of the Mother of God turned away from him, but after he prayed with fervent tears of repentance, she seemed to show mercy and she looked at him again.
Finally, Niphon completely turned his life around, and he began to spend his time in prayer and repentance. After an illness, from which he was healed by the Mother of God, he partook of the Holy Mysteries. Then he was tonsured as a monk and intensified his ascetical labors, exhausting his body in his struggle with the passions.
That struggle lasted several years, and Saint Niphon was attacked many times by demons, but with God's help he was able to overcome them. Furthermore, he received from the Lord the gift of discerning the machinations of evil spirits, and how to defeat them. He was even able to see the departure of souls after death.
When he was already an old man, he journeyed to Alexandria. At that time a delegation from Constantia was in the city to ask Patriarch Alexander (May 29) to consecrate a new Bishop for them, because their Bishop Christopher had reposed.
That night Saint Paul appeared to Saint Alexander in a vision and told him to go to the church the next day with his clergy. The Apostle said, "When you see someone who resembles me (except for being bald), consecrate him as the Bishop of Christ's flock, even if he does not wish it."
In the morning Patriarch Alexander told Niphon that he must not refuse to do what the Lord had appointed for him. Niphon protested that he was not worthy to be a Hierarch, yet he did not dare to oppose God's will. Preparations were made and Niphon was ordained as a deacon, then shortly afterward he was ordained to the priesthood; and finally, he was consecrated as a Bishop. Three days later, he set out for his diocese.
After governing his flock for a short time, Saint Niphon foresaw that he would die in three days. Before his repose he was visited by Saint Athanasios the Great. On his deathbed, he was accounted worthy to behold the Holy Angels and various Saints: Martyrs, Prophets, Priests, Monks, and the Most Holy Theotokos.
When his flock learned of their Bishop's death there was weeping and lamentation throughout the city. The Patriarch asked them to give thanks to God instead, for letting them have such a holy man as their Bishop. After the funeral, Saint Niphon was laid to rest in the church of the Holy Apostles, and then everyone glorified God, Who is wondrous in His Saints.