Saint Nahum of Ochrid, disciple of Saints Cyril and Methodius, Equal of the Apostles

Saint Nahum was a disciple of Saints Cyril and Methodius (May 11), one of their coworkers known as the Five Followers.
Saint Nahum was a man of great learning, and he spoke several languages. After a visit to Rome, he settled on the shores of Lake Ochrid. There he built a monastery at the time when Saint Clement of Ochrid (July 27) was serving as a bishop.
Many monks gathered around Saint Nahum, who was known as a great wonderworker and a man of prayer. He also labored to translate the Holy Scriptures from Greek into Slavonic.
Saint Nahum fell asleep in the Lord in 910, and his holy relics continue to work miracles of healing for those who venerate them in faith.