Saint Ekouménios, Wonderworker of Trikala

There is much disagreement about Saint Ekouménios (Οικουμένιος), concerning his identity and exactly when he lived.
According to prevailing opinion, Saint Ekouménios lived in the late X century (ca. 995). He studied all the Fathers of the Church and became an excellent interpreter of Holy Scripture. At the same time, he wrote Commentaries on the Acts of the Apostles, the fourteen Epistles of Saint Paul, as well as his seven catholic Epistles.
His contemporaries esteemed him for his blameless character and his excellent education. Thus, he was chosen for the episcopal throne of Trίkkē (in Thessaly), where he proved himself as a faithful Archpastor and disciple of the Lord Christ. He reposed in peace.
However, according to another strong and persistent local tradition, Saint Ekouménios lived in the IV century, as the learned Metropolitan Anthony of Larίsa mentions in the Encomium he wrote for Saint Ekouménios in the XIV century.
According to this Encomium, Saint Ekouménios was from Cappadocia, and was the nephew of Saint Achilles of Larίsa (May 15) and the cousin of Saint Rēgίnos, Bishop of Skopelos (February 25). He followed his Spiritual Father and teacher Achilles to Larίsa, and finally he was elected Bishop of Trίkkē, thus fulfilling his uncle's great desire to see him enthroned as a Hierarch. Both of them participated in the First Ecumenical Synod (in 325), where they performed a miracle to prove which was the true Faith (they made water gush forth from a stone).
Saint Ekoumenios reposed full of days, and was shown to be a wonderworker.
The honored relics of Saint Ekouménios were kept in a shrine in the church of the Archangel Michael, which was located in the fortress (Trikala).
In the village of Haϊdeménē, Trίkkē there is a church dedicated to Saint Ekouménios opposite Refuge hill, where according to Tradition Saint Ekouménios withdrew for solitude.