Synaxis of the Saints of Rostov

The celebration of the Synaxis of the Rostov and Yaroslav Saints on May 23 was established by resolution of His Holiness Patriarch Alexis I (+ 1970) and the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, on March 10, 1964.
Archimandrite Abraham the Wonderworker (October 29, 1073-1077)
Prince Basil (+ 1238)
Metropolitan Demetrius (+ October 28, 1709 and September 21)
Bishop Ignatius (+ May 28, 1288)
Monk Irenarchus the Hermit (+ 1616)
Bishop Isaiah, wonderworker (+ May 15, 1090)
Blessed Isidore, Fool-for-Christ (+ 1474)
Bishop James (+ November 27, 1391)
Blessed John of the Hair-Shirt (the Merciful), Fool-for-Christ (+ 1580)
Bishop Leontius (+ May 23, 1073)
Peter, Tsarevich of Ordynsk (+ 1290)
Archbishop Theodore (+ November 28, 1394)
Yaroslav Wonderworkers:
Princes Basil (+ 1249), Constantine (+ 1257), Theodore (+ 1299) and his sons David (+ 1321) and Constantine (XIV)
Pereslavl Wonderworkers:
Prince Alexander Nevsky (+ 1263)
Prince Andrew of Smolensk (15th c.)
Monk Daniel the Archimandrite (+ 1540)
Monk Nikḗtas the Stylite (+ 1186)
Uglich Wonderworkers:
Monk Cassian (+ 1504)
Tsarevich Demetrius (+ 1591)
Monk Ignatius of Lomsk (+ 1591)
Monk Paisius (+ 1504)
Prince Roman (+ 1285)
Poshekhonsk Wonderworkers:
Hieromartyr Adrian (+ 1550)
Monk Gennadius of Liubimograd and Kostroma (+ 1565)
Monk Sebastian (+ 1542)
Monk Sylvester of Obnora (+ 1379)