2nd Saturday of Great Lent: Memorial Saturday
Troparion — Tone 8
Only Creator, with wisdom profound, You mercifully order all things, / and give that which is needed to all men: / Give rest, O Lord, to the souls of Your servants who have fallen asleep, / for they have placed their trust in You, our Maker and Fashioner, and our God.
Kontakion — Tone 8
With the saints give rest, O Christ, to the souls of Your servants, / where there is neither sickness nor sorrow, and no more sighing, / but life everlasting.
Translation of the relics of Saint Nikephoros, Patriarch of Constantinople
Troparion — Tone 3
Your fragrant relics have been revealed as godly treasure / filled with life for the Church. / On their august translation / we receive the gifts of the Spirit. / Righteous Father Nikephorus, entreat Christ our God to grant us His great mercy.
Kontakion — Tone 1
The choir of patriarchs, honors your holy memory with praises and hymns, O Nikephorus, / for it received your spirit at your translation, O glorious one. / Therefore, today the Church magnifies Christ the King, / glorifying Him as the only Lover of mankind.
Kontakion — Tone 3
You laid down your life for your flock / Inspiring it with true piety. / Therefore it joyfully receives your holy relics and cries to you: / You are our boast and refuge, / O Father Nikephorus, blessed light of confession!
Martyr Sabinus (Abibus) of Egypt
Troparion — Tone 3
Your holy martyr Sabinus, O Lord, / through his suffering has received an incorruptible crown from You, our God. / For having Your strength, he laid low his adversaries, / and shattered the powerless boldness of demons. / Through his intercessions, save our souls!
Kontakion — Tone 2
(Podoben: “You sought the heights...”)
You appeared as a bright star announcing Christ with your radiance, / which is repulsive to this world, O Martyr Sabinus; / extinguishing the allure of false gods, / you enlighten the faithful, / always interceding for us all.
Martyrs Africanus, Publius, and Terence, of Carthage
Troparion — Tone 4
Your holy martyrs O Lord, / through their sufferings have received incorruptible crowns from You, our God. / For having Your strength, they laid low their adversaries, / and shattered the powerless boldness of demons. / Through their intercessions, save our souls!
Hieromartyr Publius, Bishop of Athens
Troparion — Tone 4
By sharing in the ways of the Apostles, / you became a successor to their throne. / Through the practice of virtue, you found the way to divine contemplation, O inspired one of God; / by teaching the word of truth without error, you defended the Faith, / even to the shedding of your blood. / Hieromartyr Publius, entreat Christ God to save our souls.
Martyr Alexander of Macedonia
Troparion — Tone 3
Your holy martyr Alexander, O Lord, / through his suffering has received an incorruptible crown from You, our God. / For having Your strength, he laid low his adversaries, / and shattered the powerless boldness of demons. / Through his intercessions, save our souls!
Kontakion — Tone 2
(Podoben: “You sought the heights...”)
You appeared as a bright star announcing Christ with your radiance, / which is repulsive to this world, O Martyr Alexander; / extinguishing the allure of false gods, / you enlighten the faithful, / always interceding for us all.
Martyr Christina of Persia
Troparion — Tone 4
Your lamb Christina calls out to You, O Jesus, in a loud voice: / “I love You, my Bridegroom, and in seeking You I endure suffering. / In Baptism I was crucified so that I might reign in You, / and I died so that I might live with You. / Accept me as a pure sacrifice, / for I have offered myself in love.” / Through her prayers, save our souls, since You are merciful.
Venerable Aninas of the Euphrates
Troparion — Tone 8
By a flood of tears you made the desert fertile, / and your longing for God brought forth fruits in abundance. / By the radiance of miracles you illumined the whole universe! / O our holy father Aninas, pray to Christ our God to save our souls!