Troparia and kontakia for May 13

Sunday of the Paralytic

Troparion — Tone 3

Let the heavens rejoice, / let the earth be glad, / for the Lord has shown strength with His arm. / He has trampled down death by death. / He has become the first born of the dead. / He has delivered us from the depths of hell, / and has granted to the world / great mercy.

Kontakion — Tone 3

(Podoben: “Today the Virgin...”
By Your divine authority, O Lord, / as You raised up the paralytic of old, / so raise up my soul, paralyzed by sundry sins and unseemly acts; / so that being saved I may cry: / “Glory to Your power, O compassionate Christ!”

Virgin Martyr Glyceria at Heraclea

Troparion — Tone 3

(Podoben: “Awed by the beauty...”)
Let us honor Christ's beautiful virgin who excelled in the pain of contest. / She trampled upon the serpent although she was weak in the flesh. / For the love of Christ she despised her torments and was therefore glorified by God. / Let us cry to her: / “Rejoice, O godly-minded Glykeria.”

Kontakion — Tone 3

(Podoben: “Today the virgin...”)
Through your love for Mary, the Virgin Theotokos, / you preserved your virginity, O Glykeria. / You surrendered your heart to the Lord / and fought bravely until your death. / Therefore, Christ God has granted you a double crown.

Martyr Laodicius the Keeper of the Prison

Troparion — Tone 3

Your holy martyr Laodicius, O Lord, / through his sufferings has received an incorruptible crown from You, our God. / For having Your strength, he laid low his adversaries, / and shattered the powerless boldness of demons. / Through his intercessions, save our souls!

Kontakion — Tone 2

(Podoben: “You sought the heights...”)
You appeared as a bright star announcing Christ with your radiance, / which is repulsive to this world, O Martyr Laodicius; / extinguishing the allure of false gods, / you enlighten the faithful, / always interceding for us all.

Righteous Virgin Glykerίa of Novgorod

Troparion — Tone 8

Desiring heavenly beauty, you cast aside base carnal passions far from yourself, / and loved the angelic life that you led more than worldly vanity. / O blessed virgin Glykerίa, pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion — Tone 3

Great Novgorod rejoices at the finding of the great treasure of your relics, / O Holy Righteous virgin Glykerίa, / and you bestow healing grace upon all who approach them with faith and love. / Now, standing with the women Saints of Russia before the Throne of the Holy Trinity, / pray that those who revere your sacred memory may be granted forgiveness of their sins.

Venerable Macarius, Archimandrite of Obruch

Troparion — Tone 4

Striving for God from a young age, you devoted yourself entirely to the Lord, / and have been a bright luminary for your city, / teaching everyone the True Faith and a God-pleasing life, / O Hieromartyr Makarios, glory of the city of Ovruch. / Therefore, as an unblemished lamb persecuted by its enemies, the lovers of discord, / you came to the Kanev Monastery, where, as a good shepherd, you lay down your life for the sheep.1 / Now, we sinners come in sorrow to the revered shrine of your relics which work many cures, / for you always pour forth health to those who are sick, consolation for the sorrowful, / and to all who revere you, you give everything they need, / praying to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

1 John 10:11

Troparion — Tone 8

O Monastic Martyr Makarios, / when we sinners come to the revered shrine with your relics, / which provide many cures, we receive the gift of healing, / for you always pour forth health to those who are sick, / consolation for the sorrowful, and to all who revere you, / you give everything they need, praying to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion — Tone 4

By the imperishable beauty of your humble life, / you glorified God on earth and taught men to remain pure in the Divine Faith, / and by accepting the exploit of a martyric death, / you were glorified by God, / O Monastic Martyr Makarios, our Father.

Martyr Alexander of Rome

Troparion — Tone 3

Your holy martyr Alexander, O Lord, / through his sufferings has received an incorruptible crown from You, our God. / For having Your strength, he laid low his adversaries, / and shattered the powerless boldness of demons. / Through his intercessions, save our souls!

Kontakion — Tone 2

(Podoben: “You sought the heights...”)
You appeared as a bright star announcing Christ with your radiance, / which is repulsive to this world, O Martyr Alexander; / extinguishing the allure of false gods, / you enlighten the faithful, / always interceding for us all.

Saint Pausicacus, Bishop of Synnada

Troparion — Tone 4

In truth you were revealed to your flock as a rule of faith, / an image of humility and a teacher of abstinence; / your humility exalted you; / your poverty enriched you. / Hierarch Father Pausicacus, / entreat Christ our God / that our souls may be saved.

Saint George the Confessor, with his wife and children, of Constantinople

Troparion — Tone 8

Champion of Orthodoxy, teacher of purity and of true worship, / the enlightener of the universe and the adornment of hierarchs: / all-wise father George, your teachings have gleamed with light upon all things. / Intercede before Christ God to save our souls.

Saint Euthymius the New, Founder of the Ivḗron Monastery, and his fellow Georgian Saints of Mount Athos

Troparion — Tone 8

By a flood of tears you made the desert fertile, / and your longing for God brought forth fruits in abundance. / By the radiance of miracles you illumined the whole universe! / O our holy father Euthymius, pray to Christ our God to save our souls!

Monastic Martyr John of the Ivḗron Monastery on Mount Athos

Troparion — Tone 1

The image of God was truly preserved in you, O Father, / for you took up the Cross and followed Christ. / By so doing you taught us to disregard the flesh for it passes away / but to care instead for the soul, since it is immortal. / Therefore your spirit, venerable John, rejoices with the angels.

Kontakion — Tone 2

As a venerable and proven ascetic, as an honorable and renowned martyr, / and as a model of the desert life, O most exalted John, / we sing hymns of praise to you, / for you have trampled upon serpents.

Monastic Martyr George of the Ivḗron Monastery on Mount Athos

Troparion — Tone 1

The image of God was truly preserved in you, O Father, / for you took up the Cross and followed Christ. / By so doing you taught us to disregard the flesh for it passes away / but to care instead for the soul, since it is immortal. / Therefore your spirit, venerable George, rejoices with the angels.

Kontakion — Tone 2

As a venerable and proven ascetic, as an honorable and renowned martyr, / and as a model of the desert life, O most exalted George, / we sing hymns of praise to you, / for you have trampled upon serpents.

Monastic Martyr Gabriel of the Ivḗron Monastery on Mount Athos

Troparion — Tone 1

The image of God was truly preserved in you, O Father, / for you took up the Cross and followed Christ. / By so doing you taught us to disregard the flesh for it passes away / but to care instead for the soul, since it is immortal. / Therefore your spirit, venerable Gabriel, rejoices with the angels.

Kontakion — Tone 2

As a venerable and proven ascetic, as an honorable and renowned martyr, / and as a model of the desert life, O most exalted Gabriel, / we sing hymns of praise to you, / for you have trampled upon serpents.

Martyrs killed by the Latins at the Ivḗron Monastery on Mount Athos

Troparion — Tone 4

Your holy martyrs O Lord, / through their sufferings have received incorruptible crowns from You, our God. / For having Your strength, they laid low their adversaries, / and shattered the powerless boldness of demons. / Through their intercessions, save our souls!