Monastic Martyr Gerasimus the New of Carpenision - Troparion & Kontakion

Troparion — Tone 3

(Podoben: “The entire world has found you to be a great champion in times of peril...”1)
O gift of honor to the Church, / divinely bright flame of Evrytania, and boast of the New Martyrs, / you longed for Christ through asceticism and confessed God by martrydom. / O Monastic Martyr Gerasimos, / through the intercessions of the Mother of God, entreat Him that our souls may be saved.

1 See the Troparion of the Great Martyr Demetrios.

Kontakion — Tone 2

(Podoben: “Seeking the things on high...”)
You were made manifest by your splendor as a bright star, / proclaiming Christ to the temporal world, O Martyr Gerasimos, / and by vanquishing the allurement of false gods, / you granted true light to the faithful, / always interceding on behalf of us all.