Troparia and kontakia for September 8

The Nativity of our Most Holy Lady the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary

Troparion — Tone 4

Your Nativity, O Virgin, / has proclaimed joy to the whole universe! / The Sun of Righteousness,1 Christ our God, / has shone from you, O Theotokos! / By annulling the curse, / He bestowed a blessing. / By destroying death, He has granted us eternal Life.

1 Malachai 4:2

Kontakion — Tone 4

(Original Melody)
By your Nativity, O Most Pure Virgin, / Joachim and Anna are freed from barrenness; / Adam and Eve, from the corruption of death. / And we, your people, freed from the guilt of sin, celebrate and sing to you: / “The barren woman gives birth to the Theotokos, the nourisher of our life.”

Icon of the Mother of God “of the Sign”, the “Kursk-Root”

Troparion — Tone 4

Having obtained you as an unassailable rampart and a source of miracles, O Most Pure Theotokos, / we your servants vanquish the assaults of enemies. / Therefore we entreat you: “Grant peace to your city, and great mercy to our souls.”

Kontakion — Tone 4

We celebrate the appearance of your revered Icon of the Sign, O Theotokos, whereby you have granted your people a wondrous victory over the enemies of your city. Therefore, we cry to you with faith: “Rejoice, O Virgin, the boast of Christians.”

Icon of the Mother of God of Pochaev

Troparion — Tone 8

O Victorious Leader, who have chosen the mountain of Pochaev as your habitation, / we, your servants, sing our grateful thanks and praise to you, O Theotokos; / for you have glorified this godly place from of old by the appearance of the healing power of your footprint and your wonderworking image. / As you once preserved your habitation from the invasion of infidels, / set us free from every calamity and invasion, / so that always preserved through your help, we may sing from the depths of our souls: / Rejoice, O Praise of Pochaev, our hope and consolation!

Icon of Sophia, the Wisdom of God

Troparion — Tone 1

O Christ our God, the Eternal Wisdom, / by Your Divine Providence, You bowed down the Heavens, / and deigned to dwell in the womb of the Pure Virgin, / having broken the enmity,1 You have sanctified our nature and revealed Your Kingdom to us; / therefore You, our Creator and Savior, and the Pure Virgin who gave birth to You, / serve as the mystery of our salvation, and we glorify you in the Orthodox way.

1 Ephesians 2:14