Sunday of Cheesefare: Expulsion of Adam from Paradise
Kontakion — Tone 6
O Master, Guide to wisdom, / Bestower of prudence, / Instructor of the foolish, and Defender of the poor: / make firm my heart and grant it understanding. / O Word of the Father, / give me speech, for behold, I shall not restrain my lips from crying out to Thee: / "Have mercy, have mercy on me who have fallen."
Saint Tarasius, Archbishop of Constantinople
Troparion — Tone 3
You shone forth as a light of the Spirit, / adorned with an exemplary life and clothed in hierarchical vesture. / You stilled the turbulence of heresy / and became a pillar and foundation of the Church, / which praises your struggles, holy Father Tarasius.
Kontakion — Tone 3
You illumined the Church with Orthodox doctrine / and taught all to venerate and honor the precious image of Christ. / You vanquished the godless doctrine of the iconoclasts. / Therefore we cry to you: / “Rejoice, wise Father Tarasius.”