Repose of Saint Theodore Yaroslavich, older brother of Saint Alexander Nevsky - Troparion & Kontakion
Troparion — Tone 8
You grew up up devoutly, like a sprout from a pious root, / and though you reposed at a young age, / you fulfilled long years by your virtues1 O Right-Believing Prince Theodore. / Therefore entreat Him Who governs time, that by your prayers He may grant us long life, / and bestow upon our country great and abundant mercy. 1 He, being made perfect in a short time, fulfilled a long time (Wisdom of Solomon 4:13).
Kontakion — Tone 4
Born in piety, and raised in the fear of God, / having attained chastity in his life, / and after his repose shone forth by the incorruptibility of his body. / Honoring the Right-Believing Prince Theodore as a Saint, / we humbly pray to Thee, / O Almighty Master, / and glorify our land forever with Your Saints.