Troparia and kontakia for May 30

Synaxis of All Saints

Troparion — Tone 4

Adorned in the blood of Your Martyrs throughout all the world, / as if clothed in purple and linen, / through them Your Church cries out to You, O Christ God: / “Bestow Your bounties upon Your people, / grant peace to Your habitation, and great mercy to our souls.”

Kontakion — Tone 8

(Original Melody)
As the first fruits of nature offered to the Planter of all creation, O Lord, / the inhabited earth brings the God-bearing Martyrs. / By their supplications, and the intercession of the Theotokos, / preserve Your Church in profound peace, O greatly Merciful One.

Icon of the Mother of God “The Unbreakable Wall”

Troparion — Tone 4

Let us, sinful and humbled, now run earnestly to the Theotokos, / and let us fall down in repentance, crying from the depths of our soul: / "Help us, O Sovereign Lady, and have compassion on us. / Make haste, for we perish from the multitude of our sins. / Do not turn your servants empty away, for we have you as our only hope.

Kontakion — Tone 6

We have no other help, we have no other hope, but you, O Sovereign Lady. / Help us, for in you do we hope, / and of you do we boast, for we are your servants. / Let us not be put to shame.

"Seven Arrows" Icon of the Mother of God

Troparion — Tone 5

Soften our evil hearts, O Theotokos, and repel the attacks of those who hate us, / and loosen all the rigidity of our soul. / For beholding your holy image, / we are filled with compunction by your compassion and loving kindness toward us, / and we kiss your wounds; / for we are terrified by the darts with which we wound you. / O Compassionate Mother, / do not let us perish because of our hardness of heart, / or our neighbor's hardness of heart, / for you are truly the Softener of Evil Hearts.

Kontakion — Tone 2

By your grace, O Sovereign Lady, / soften the hearts of evildoers, / send down benefactors who will preserve them from all evil; / with gratitude and zeal, we pray to you before your revered icons.

Venerable Isaac, Founder of Dalmátos Monastery at Constantinople

Troparion — Tone 3

(Podoben: “The Divine Faith...”)
Appearing as an example of abstinence, and a support of the Church, / O Isaac, adornment of the Fathers, / your life was radiant with virtues, / and you clearly expounded the word of Orthodoxy. / O Venerable Father, entreat Christ God that He may grant us great mercy.

Kontakion — Tone 8

(Podoben: “As first-fruits...”)
As a faithful servant of God, you were inflamed with zeal for the Church of Christ, / holding the reins of the Emperor Valens, / you prophetically foretold His death in a fire because of his closure of the churches. / Therefore, always pray for us who honor you, O Venerable Father Isaac.