Venerable Cassian of Uglich - Troparion & Kontakion

Troparion — Tone 4

Today the city of Úglich boasts of you, / for you shone radiantly within its borders like a great sun, / and you have illumined everything with your miracles; / now pray to the Lord, Venerable Cassian, / for the city of Úglich and its Monastery, / and for every city, and country, and people who revere you with faith, / and for the salvation of our souls.

Troparion — Tone 4

Today the most glorious city of Úglich is radiantly triumphant, / and the church of the Mother of God rejoices especially, / for it contains the relics of the great wonderworker, the Venerable Cassian, / who shone from Rome like the sun upon the entire world, / enlightening the hearts of the faithful from afar, / and with whom God has adorned His Mother's church. / Therefore, now we beseech you: / “Be an invincible protector and intercessor for our city / and a protection for all the faithful from all troubles, / those who come to the house of the Mother of God and bow down before you, / O Venerable God-pleaser Cassian, / pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.”

Troparion — Tone 4

Raised in old Rome, the capital of your homeland, / you left the city of Mangup for Christ's sake, / for you disdained reigning as a prince, / and the fleeting glory of this vain life, / and you preferred heavenly wealth and eternal glory to earthly riches, / and after lifting up your mind to God, you strove to live like the Angels; / guided by providence, you reached the God-protected city of Úglich, / and nearby, within its boundaries, above the Volga River, / you settled in the wilderness, and built a most glorious monastery in honor of the Mother of God, / and in it you left your body to God, as a consecrated gift. / Therefore, we beseech you, Father Cassian, pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion — Tone 8

Like a shining star, you came from the east to the west, / leaving your homeland and your princedom for Christ's sake, / and you came to the reigning city of Moscow, / and, guided by the providence of the Divine mind, you reached the city of Úglich, / and near it, above the Volga River, in the wilderness on the Uchma River, / you settled and built a monastery and a church, and summoned the monks to be saved; / with them pray for us who venerate your memory, / that we may cry to you: “Rejoice, O Venerable Father Cassian.”

Kontakion — Tone 5

As a bright star and a treasure of great price, / you shone forth in the Russian land, O Father Cassian, / coming to us from ancient Rome and, after reaching the God-protected city of Úglich, / which was near it by Divine Providence you founded a revered monastery, / and built the wonderful church of the Mother of God; / and summoning a multitude of monks, / with whom pray to Christ God to deliver this city from captivity by pagans and from civil war, / and preserve it unharmed by fire, O Venerable and godly-wise Father Cassian.

Kontakion — Tone 4

Like a bright sun, you shone for us from Rome and reached the royal city,1 / O most blessed Father Cassian, / and, like an angel, you dwelt in the Russian land, / and ascended to the heights of the abstinence of the ascetics of old, / and in the wilderness of Uchma, near the God-protected city of Úglich, / you founded a glorious monastery for the salvation of the monks, / and beautifully adorned the church of the Most Pure Mother of God, / which was overshadowed by God's Spirit, and in this monastery God is glorified by you, / and now, never cease praying to the Lord for your flock, / which you obtained by much labor and sweat, / and for its deliverance from all the attacks of the Evil One, / and for us your servants, that we may receive the forgiveness of our sins by your prayers, / and beseech Him to deliver the city of Úglich / from all misfortunes and from the righteous wrath of God, / O Venerable and godly-wise Father Cassian.

1 Moscow.