Saint Mardarije (Uskokovic) of Libertyville - Troparion & Kontakion

Troparion — Tone 4

The truth of things revealed you to your flock as a rule of faith, / a model of meekness, and a teacher of temperance. / Therefore, through humility, you attained the heights; / and through poverty, riches. / O Hierarch Mardarije* our Father, entreat Christ God that our souls may be saved.

Kontakion — Tone 2

(Podoben: “You sought the heights...”)
O Hierarch Mardarije*, / divine thunder, spiritual trumpet, / planter of faith, and pruner of heresies, / great favorite of the Trinity, / as you stand before God with the Angels, / pray unceasingly for all of us.

Kontakion — Tone 8

Tireless preacher of Christ the Lord, leader on the path of Saint Savva for your people in diaspora, / labor-loving practitioner and teacher of repentance, / Saint Mardarije* of Libertyville and America, together with all the Enlighteners of the American lands, / entreat the only Lover of mankind, to grant peace and unity to all Orthodox Christians.

* Mah-DAH-ri-yeh (or Mardários)