Troparia and kontakia for June 21

Venerable Ananias the Iconographer

Troparion — Tone 8

In you, O Father, was preserved with exactness what was according to the image; / for you took up the Cross and followed Christ. / By so doing, you taught us to disregard the flesh, for it passes away; / but to care for the soul, since it is immortal. / Therefore, O Venerable Ananias, your spirit rejoices with the Angels.

Kontakion — Tone 2

(Podoben: “You sought the heights...”)
Having divinely armed yourself with purity of soul / and firmly grasping unceasing prayer as a spear, you slew the hordes of demons. / Therefore, we beseech you, O Father Ananias: / “Always intercede for those who honor you.”

Martyr Julian of Tarsus, in Cilicia

Troparion — Tone 5

(Podoben: “Come, let us worship the Word...”)
Your mother guided you to become a glorious soldier of Christ, / and you were clad in the armor of the Spirit,1 / and entering the contest, you cast down the Enemy. / Now, O godly-minded Julian, pray to Christ God for all of us.

Ephesians 6:13.

Kontakion — Tone 2

Let us praise Julian today, / the unconquerable holy warrior, / the champion and vessel of truth, and let us cry out to him: / “Intercede with Christ our God for all of us.”

Hieromartyr Terence, Bishop of Iconium

Troparion — Tone 4

By sharing in the ways of the Apostles, / you became a successor to their throne. / Through the practice of virtue, you found the way to divine contemplation, O inspired one of God; / by teaching the word of truth without error, you defended the Faith, / even to the shedding of your blood. / Hieromartyr Terence, entreat Christ God to save our souls.

Saint Julius, Presbyter of Novara, and his brother, Saint Julian the Deacon

Troparion — Tone 8

By a flood of tears you made the desert fertile, / and your longing for God brought forth fruits in abundance. / By the radiance of miracles you illumined the whole universe! / O our holy father Julius, pray to Christ our God to save our souls!

Martyr Archil II, King of Georgia

Troparion — Tone 3

Your holy martyr Archil, O Lord, / through his sufferings has received an incorruptible crown from You, our God. / For having Your strength, he laid low his adversaries, / and shattered the powerless boldness of demons. / Through his intercessions, save our souls!

Kontakion — Tone 2

(Podoben: “You sought the heights...”)
You appeared as a bright star announcing Christ with your radiance, / which is repulsive to this world, O Martyr Archil; / extinguishing the allure of false gods, / you enlighten the faithful, / always interceding for us all.

Martyr Luarsab II, King of Georgia

Troparion — Tone 3

Your holy martyr Luarsab, O Lord, / through his sufferings has received an incorruptible crown from You, our God. / For having Your strength, he laid low his adversaries, / and shattered the powerless boldness of demons. / Through his intercessions, save our souls!

Kontakion — Tone 2

(Podoben: “You sought the heights...”)
You appeared as a bright star announcing Christ with your radiance, / which is repulsive to this world, O Martyr Luarsab; / extinguishing the allure of false gods, / you enlighten the faithful, / always interceding for us all.

Venerable Anastasia of Serbia

Troparion — Tone 4

Abundant in virtue, and adorned with meekness and piety, / you shone forth through the purity of your life; / therefore, you were granted the grace to be the mother of our people’s Luminary. / Thus, we cry aloud to you: “Rejoice, O venerable mother Anastasia!”

Kontakion — Tone 4

Having been blessed by marriage, and living a life of sobriety, / you humbly taught your children to love God above all else. / As you now stand before Him, / intercede for us who cry aloud to you: / “Rejoice, O venerable mother Anastasia!”

New Martyr Nikḗtas of Nisyros near Rhodes

Troparion — Tone 3

Your holy martyr Niketas, O Lord, / through his sufferings has received an incorruptible crown from You, our God. / For having Your strength, he laid low his adversaries, / and shattered the powerless boldness of demons. / Through his intercessions, save our souls!

Kontakion — Tone 2

(Podoben: “You sought the heights...”)
You appeared as a bright star announcing Christ with your radiance, / which is repulsive to this world, O Martyr Niketas; / extinguishing the allure of false gods, / you enlighten the faithful, / always interceding for us all.