Troparia and kontakia for July 13

Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel

Troparion — Tone 4

Gabriel, commander of the heavenly hosts, / we who are unworthy beseech you, / by your prayers encompass us beneath the wings of your immaterial glory, / and faithfully preserve us who fall down and cry to you: / “Deliver us from all harm, for you are the commander of the powers on high!”

Kontakion — Tone 2

You look upon God’s glory in heaven, / and bring grace from on high to earth, / wise Gabriel, leader of angels, / minister of God’s glory, and divine defender of the world! / Save and preserve those who cry to you: / “Be our defense, so that no one can be against us!”

Venerable Stephen of Saint Savva Monastery

Troparion — Tone 8

By a flood of tears you made the desert fertile, / and your longing for God brought forth fruits in abundance. / By the radiance of miracles you illumined the whole universe! / O our holy father Stephen, pray to Christ our God to save our souls!

Saint Julian, Bishop of Cenomanis (Le Mans), Gaul

Troparion — Tone 4

In truth you were revealed to your flock as a rule of faith, / an image of humility and a teacher of abstinence; / your humility exalted you; / your poverty enriched you. / Hierarch Father Julian, / entreat Christ our God / that our souls may be saved.

Martyr Serapion

Troparion — Tone 3

Your holy martyr Serapion, O Lord, / through his sufferings has received an incorruptible crown from You, our God. / For having Your strength, he laid low his adversaries, / and shattered the powerless boldness of demons. / Through his intercessions, save our souls!

Kontakion — Tone 2

(Podoben: “You sought the heights...”)
You appeared as a bright star announcing Christ with your radiance, / which is repulsive to this world, O Martyr Serapion; / extinguishing the allure of false gods, / you enlighten the faithful, / always interceding for us all.

Martyr Marcian of Iconium

Troparion — Tone 3

Your holy martyr Marcian, O Lord, / through his sufferings has received an incorruptible crown from You, our God. / For having Your strength, he laid low his adversaries, / and shattered the powerless boldness of demons. / Through his intercessions, save our souls!

Kontakion — Tone 2

(Podoben: “You sought the heights...”)
You appeared as a bright star announcing Christ with your radiance, / which is repulsive to this world, O Martyr Marcian; / extinguishing the allure of false gods, / you enlighten the faithful, / always interceding for us all.

Virgin Abbess Sarah of Sketis in Libya

Troparion — Tone 8

By a flood of tears you made the desert fertile, / and your longing for God brought forth fruits in abundance. / By the radiance of miracles you illumined the whole universe! / O our holy mother Sarah, pray to Christ our God to save our souls!