Repose of Saint Alexander Nevsky - Troparion & Kontakion

Troparion — Tone 4

O blessed Alexander, / you were like a revered sprout from a godly root, / for Christ revealed you as a sacred treasure of the Russian land, / and a new, most glorious and God-pleasing wonderworker. / Today, as we gather on your Feast Day with faith and love, / rejoicing with Psalms and spiritual hymns, we glorify the Lord who gave you the grace of healing. / Entreat Him to save our city and land, / that those who dwell in them may be pleasing to God, / and that all Orthodox Christians may be saved.1

Troparion — Tone 4

Know2 your brethren, O Russian Joseph, / reigning not in Egypt, but in Heaven, / O right-believing Prince Alexander, / and accept their prayers, multiplying the number of fruits to men by the fruits of the land under your authority, / and by praying for all Orthodox Christians in the struggle against their enemies by providing help.

Kontakion — Tone 8

(Podoben: “As first fruits… ”)
We revere you as a star which shone in the east and came to the west; / for you enrich the entire country with miracles and goodness, / enlightening those who honor your memory with faith, O blessed Alexander. / Therefore, today we your people celebrate your repose. / Pray that your homeland may be saved, and all who come to the shrine of your relics, / crying out to you with faith: “Rejoice, O affirmation of our cities.”

Kontakion — Tone 4

O blessed Alexander, / just as your relatives, Boris and Gleb, / came to your aid from Heaven, in the battle against the Swede Birger and his troops, / come now to the aid of your compatriots / and defeat those who are at war with us.

1 This Troparion is also sung after the blessing of the loaves.
2 Genesis 42:7