Troparia and kontakia for February 24

Sunday of Meatfare of the Last Judgment

Kontakion — Tone 1

When You, O God, shall come to earth with glory, / all things shall tremble / and the river of fire shall flow before Your judgment seat; / the books shall be opened and the hidden things disclosed! / Then deliver me from the unquenchable fire, / and make me worthy to stand at Your right hand, Most Righteous Judge!

First and second finding of the Honorable Head of the Holy Glorious Prophet, Forerunner, and Baptist of the Lord, John

Troparion — Tone 4

The head of the Forerunner rose from the earth as a star, / brilliant with rays of healing and immortality. / It gathers the choirs of angels in heaven, / and assembles the human race on earth / to sing with one voice the glory of Christ our God.

Kontakion — Tone 3

O Prophet of God and Forerunner of Grace, / your head has blossomed from the earth as a sacred rose. / We are ever being healed, / for as of old, You preach repentance to the world.

Venerable Erasmus of the Kiev Near Caves

Troparion — Tone 8

By a flood of tears you made the desert fertile, / and your longing for God brought forth fruits in abundance. / By the radiance of miracles you illumined the whole universe! / O our holy father Erasmus, pray to Christ our God to save our souls!