What Can We Can Do?

Materials: Small pieces of paper Visible writing surface Markers Poster board   Procedure: Dreams (15 minutes) Cut out enough small pieces of paper so that everyone gets one. On one out of every four pieces write “You are HIV +.” On the rest of the sheets…

Gathering The Facts

!--msnavigation-- Introduction AIDS scares all of us. Many of us know people who are infected with or who have died from the disease. While some of us may not yet have been touched by the disease and others of us may think that this…

Making Decisions

!--msnavigation-- Materials: !--msthemelist-- Large sheets of butcher paper !--msthemelist-- …

HIV, AIDS, and You: The Facts / Session Titles

Some Questions . . . Some Answers What is AIDS? AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. It is a incurable disease that attacks the immune system, leaving the body defenseless to illnesses that it could normally…