My Church, Our Home

My Church, Our Home

as used at the 13th All American Council in Orlando, FL ,2002 This study unit is designed for ages 10-12. For children ages 6 and under, see The House That God Built. For youth ages 7-9, see God's Blueprint. What's Inside: Session 1: Introduction Session 2: The Household of God

My Church, Our Home: Session I: Introduction

Program Goal: The children, pre-teens, teens and young adults attending the sessions of the All American Council, 2002, will be given the opportunity to think about, explore, and develop their relationship with Jesus Christ and understand their parish as their experience of…

My Church, Our Home: Session II: The Household of God

This session is all about the meaning of home. It is in, it’s completeness, a place where we feel connected, loved, welcomed, supported, nurtured, encouraged, and challenged. It is our safe place where we can feel at rest, and is a base from which we sojourn and always return.…

My Church, Our Home: Session III: Our Life in Christ

This session is for the purpose of helping participants discover that through our parishes we encounter and discover Jesus Christ, and come to know Him as our Savior. It is in the church that we receive the framework by which we develop our relationship to Jesus Christ. It is…

My Church, Our Home: Session IV: Our Path to Salvation

This session is to help the participants make the direct connection between church and their path to salvation. The gifts of the sacraments, the guide to the way we must live as Christians, and the participation in the fullness of parish life are all explored. These are the…

My Church, Our Home: Session V: In Deed and In Truth

This session will develop the understanding in the participants, that we are called by Christ to “love our neighbors”. We should live our lives in our homes, our schools, and our places of business, etc. as messengers who reflect Christ’s teachings. Participants should…