Reaching Out: Our Call To Minister: Resource 2: Teacher’s Guide for Discussion
Who are the people in need?
1. those on welfare | 16. immigrants |
2. the homeless | 17. runaway youth |
3. unwed mothers | 18. pregnant women who lack the financial resources to care for a baby |
4. mothers with infants and preschoolers | 19. the unskilled |
5. shut-ins | 20. mentally retarded |
6. the elderly | 21. abusive parents |
7. abused women and children | 22. children of abusive parents |
8. orphans and children in foster homes | 23. children of divorce |
9. widows/widowers | 24. the poor |
10. those in nursing homes | 25. single parents |
11. the imprisoned | 26. lonely singles |
13. the hospitalized | 27. children in long-term care hospitals and institutions |
14. chemically dependent - drugs, alcohol | 28. 'latch-key' children |
15. unemployed | 29. every one of us, including yourself |
Some available community resources followed by the number of the group(s) from the above list that the organization or institution serves.
Alcoholics Anonymous: 14 | Association for Retarded Citizens: 20 |
Ala-teens: 14 | Board of Employment Services: 15, 16 |
Drug Abuse Clinic: 14 | Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation: 19 |
Big Brothers/Big Sisters Organizations: 22 | County Pregnancy Crisis Center: 18, 3 |
County Family Services: 1, 3, 4, 7, 8 | Battered Women's Shelter: 7 |
Parents Anonymous: 21 | Rape Crisis Center: 7 |
Teenage Parent Center: 3 | Goodwill Industries: 19 |
Children's Home: 8 | Headstart: 1, 3, 4, 22 |
United Cerebral Palsy: 12 | International Institute: 16 |
Services for Handicapped: 12 | Meals on Wheels/Mobile Meals: 6 |
Vocational Development Center for the Handicapped: 12 | United Way: 7, 12, 14, 18, 20, 21 |
County Board of Mental Retardation: 20 | Visiting Nurse Association: 6 |
Safe Landing: 17 |