The House That God Built: Session VI: Windows to Heaven
You will need a small photo album that you are able to insert a new cover into
for each child, icon cards, prayer
cards and cover
inserts (see black line master that are attached).
With this activity we are keeping in theme with “The House That God Built”
in discussing and creating a special holder for icons, our windows to heaven.
Decorate and insert cover into the photo albums. Have children choose icon cards
that they would like to keep in their icon book. Also provide them with copies
of the prayers provided or your own morning, evening or other special prayers.
Before, during and after the activity:
- Discuss how icons depict Saints, people that are still part of our church.
- The icons help us to remember that the Saints are with us.
- Saints hear our prayers.
- The prayers
they have in their books can be said before venerating (kissing) the icons
in church, before they go to bed, when they wake up in the morning or whenever
they need God’s comfort.