"Our Mission" Planning Sheet

Take a look at the Mission Statement prepared by the Youth & Young Adults at the OCA 12th All-American Council. Write down three things you would like to do either personally or as a group to be part of this mission:

[ ] __________________________

[ ] __________________________

[ ] __________________________

Put a check mark next to the one you want to do something about first. Have everyone in the group write down their "first choices" on a chalkboard, posterboard, etc. Review all the choices discussing the pros and cons of each and decide as a group on one project.


Name of project: _____________________

What do we need to accomplish this (receive blessing from priest, transportation, food, publicity, speaker(s), materials, event staff, games, photographs, etc)? List below:






Next to (or above) each item listed write down the name of who is willing to be in charge of that part of the planning.

When do you want to do this project to be completed (based upon what you need to do)?:

When (date/time): _____________

Draft a schedule outlining when each of the above needs to completed in order to do the project when you want to:

1. __________________________
2. __________________________
3. __________________________
4. __________________________
5. __________________________

Suggestion: Have short meetings (10-15 min) every week to check-in with each other about how the planning is going.


Let us know if you have any other ideas and how your programs worked out!