Donate now to the SOCA and take advantage of year-end tax benefits

In a letter dated December 28, 2016 addressed to the Stewards of the Orthodox Church in America [SOCA], His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon thanked the stewards for their support of the Church’s mission and programs.
“I am thankful to you for the important part you play in the stewardship of, and service to, the Orthodox Church in America,” Metropolitan Tikhon wrote. “Because of the gifts of your time, talent and treasures, there is much for which we can be justifiably proud of in the OCA.” The complete text appears below and is available in PDF format.
The SOCA supports the Church’s ministry departments, and your year-end tax deductible gift will help support—and expand—the vision and mission of the OCA in the new year and beyond. Many ministries, such as the Planting Grant Program which has helped dozens of missions mature into parishes by providing the financial support necessary to nurture fledgling communities, will benefit as a result of your generous response. Your support also will help the OCA continue to grow its close relationships with such organizations as FOCUS North America, with which the OCA partnered this past Thanksgiving to raise thousands of dollars to help fund programs aimed at ending child hunger.
As you finalize your year-end giving, please to keep the OCA and its work at the top of your list of charitable donations. One-time or recurring gifts are being accepted with gratitude on-line or may be sent to the Stewards of the OCA, PO Box 675, Syosset, NY 11791.
Letter of Metropolitan Tikhon to the Stewards of the Orthodox Church in America
December 28, 2016
Dear Stewards of the Orthodox Church in America,
Christ is born!
On behalf of the chancery staff and all those working in our ministry departments, I express my sincere gratitude to you, the Stewards of the Orthodox Church in America for the tremendous support and encouragement you have provided this year.
Together, we have raised needed funds to grow and expand Christ’s mission here in North America, and through our Thanksgiving partnership with FOCUS North America, we have provided thousands of dollars in support of programs that will help eradicate child hunger. But we have done more than simply raise money: we have helped to raise up the idea of stewardship as something greater than the financial support of programs, as a ministry that sets the vision for the Orthodox Church here in North America.
As we continue to celebrate the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ, and look forward to a new year of health, love, and success in all our good endeavors, I am thankful to you for the important part you play in the stewardship of, and service to the Orthodox Church in America. Because of the gifts of your time, talent and treasures there is much for which we can be justifiably proud of in the OCA.
I look forward to working with you in 2017 as we continue to grow our ministries with the goal of not only expanding, but also effecting Christ’s mission.
With love in Christ,
+ Tikhon
Archbishop of Washington
Metropolitan of All America and Canada