OCF campus ministry webinar series begins today

In a press release dated Friday, November 3, 2017, Orthodox Christian Fellowship [OCF], the official campus ministry of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America, announced that it will be offering a monthly, one-hour webinar focused on various topics for the development and growth of OCF chapters.
Each webinar will feature both OCF staff and volunteers as well as other experts in the field. The first webinar—slated to be held on Monday, November 6 at 7:00 p.m. Eastern—will feature Father Michael Nasser, former OCF National Chaplain, and Nicole Petrow, Current Chair of the OCF Student Leadership Board. Their topic will be “Getting Started on Campus.”
Three additional monthly webinars have also been announced, while subsequent webinars are being planned throughout the coming year.
On Monday, December 4, Father Anthony Salzman, OCF Southeast Spiritual Advisor, will facilitate the webinar, titled “Building Your Campus Ministry. Ann Bezzerides and Deacon Michael Tishel of the Office of Vocation and Ministry at Hellenic College/Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, will focus on “Mentoring Strong Orthodox Leaaders” in the January 8, 2018 webinar, while Father Apostolos Hill, OCF Southwest Spiritual Advisor, will explore ways to engage the “disconnected” on February 5. All webinars begin at 7:00 p.m. Eastern.
The webinars are free of charge and open to all. Individuals must register on-line to participate in each webinar. One need not register for the entire series.
OCF transforms the lives of college students in the US and Canada by guiding them along the path to Jesus Christ through His Church, cultivating a campus community of worship, witness, service, fellowship and education.
The Orthodox Church in America and its Department of Youth, Young Adult and Campus Ministry, together with the Stewards of the Orthodox Church in America [SOCA], provide partial funding for the ongoing work of OCF. For additional information on SOCA or to make a donation please visit the OCA web site.