Registration opens for OCF’s Summer Leadership Institute August 15-18

Orthodox Christian Fellowship [OCF] will host its Summer Leadership Institute at Saint Iakovos Retreat Center, Kansasville, WI August 15-18, 2018.
The four-day program is of particular interest to all Orthodox Christian college students and young adults ages 18 through 25. Online registration opened on Friday, May 4.
All participants will attend four workshops aimed at clarifying what it means to be an Orthodox Christian leader while detailing the skills one needs to do so. Among the presenters will be Archpriest Steven Vernak, Rector of Christ the Saviour Church [OCA], Harrisburg, PA, who will speak on “I Am the Vine, You Are the Branches.” Other workshops will include “Good and Faithful Servant: Investing Your Talents in the Kingdom,” “Pan-Orthodox Ministry,” and “Building Confidence in Public Speaking.”
Students also will participate in one of three “Orthodox Special Topics” workshops to deepen their knowledge of Orthodox theology and practice. Archpriest Michael Oleksa, widely known speaker and author from the Orthodox Church in America’s Diocese of Alaska, will speak on “Our Own Leaders: Learning from the Alaskan Saints.” “Faith and Film” will be the topic of a workshop by Bobby Maddex, Station Manager of Ancient Faith Radio, while Priest Brendan Pelphrey of Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Church, San Antonio, TX, will address the subject of “Orthodoxy in Conversation.”
Three additional “Practical Ministry” workshops designed to enhance communication and pastoral leadership skills will be offered. Christian Gonzalez, Young Adult Ministries Coordinator for the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America’s Y2AM program, will speak on “The Ministry of Listening.” “Peace in Conflict” will be the topic of a workshop by Dr. Philip Mamalakis, Assistant Professor of Pastoral Care at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, Brookline, MA. A workshop titled “Facilitating Great Discussions” also will be available.
OCF is the official campus ministry of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America. OCF transforms the lives of college students in the US and Canada by guiding them along the path to Jesus Christ through His Church, cultivating campus communities of worship, witness, service, fellowship and education.
The Orthodox Church in America and its Department of Youth, Young Adult and Campus Ministry, together with the Stewards of the Orthodox Church in America [SOCA], provide partial funding for the ongoing work of OCF. For additional information on SOCA or to make a donation please visit the OCA web site.