Jeremiah (Baruch 3:35-4:4) (Vespers, 5th reading)
- 35
- This is our God; no other can be compared to him!
- 36
- He found the whole way to knowledge, and gave her to Jacob his servant and to Israel whom He loved.
- 37
- Afterward she appeared on earth and lived among men.
- 1
- She is the book of the commandments of God, and the law that endures for ever. All who hold fast will live, and those who forsake her will die.
- 2
- Turn, O Jacob, and take her; walk toward the shining of her light.
- 3
- Do not give your glory to another, or your advantage to an alien people.
- 4
- Happy we are, O Israel, for we know what is pleasing to God.