Reflections in Christ

Reflection on the Sunday of the Samaritan Woman
by Metropolitan Tikhon
The name of Saint Photine, or Svetlana, is connected with light: phos (Greek) or svet (Slavic). She came to Jacob’s Well for ordinary, earthly water, but she encountered Christ who is the…
Remarks at the enthronement of His Eminence Metropolitan Saba
by Metropolitan Tikhon
I greet you with joy, my beloved brother and concelebrant, on this luminous occasion, the day of your enthronement as Metropolitan of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North…
Reflection on the Midfeast of Pentecost
by Metropolitan Tikhon
The Gospel we read in church on this mid-feast of Pentecost tells of a time that Jesus, during his earthly ministry, stood up in the temple and taught. The icon…
Reflection on the commemoration of Saint John the Theologian
by Metropolitan Tikhon
On many icons of Saint John the Theologian, the saint sits with his Gospel open but a hand clasped over his mouth, guarding his silence. This image reminds us that, even though…
Homily on the Myrrhbearing Women
by Metropolitan Tikhon
“The Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, he will testify of me, and you also will bear witness, because you have been with me from the beginning.” ...
Reflection on the Sunday of the Paralytic and the commemoration of Saint Alexis Toth
by Metropolitan Tikhon
Saint Alexis Toth was canonized in 1995. Among the evidence for his holiness was a miracle whereby his prayers reunited a father and his long-lost son. This…
Reflection on the Sunday of the Myrrh-bearers
by Metropolitan Tikhon
Time and again, the hymns of this joyous season point out that the myrrh-bearers were a little confused: Nicodemus had already buried the Body of the Lord with about a hundred pounds of myrrh…
Reflection on Thomas Sunday
by Metropolitan Tikhon
According to Saint Gregory the Theologian, Thomas Sunday—which he called New Sunday—is an even greater feast than Pascha. On Easter, we celebrated the rising of Christ…
Reflection on Great and Holy Pascha
by Metropolitan Tikhon
Christ is risen! Indeed he is risen! In the darkness of earliest morning, our churches shining with festal light, we heard at Matins the wonderful Paschal,,,