Reflections in Christ

Christ’s Last Moments on the Cross
“Thoughts in Christ” by Fr. Vladimir Berzonsky
Holy Mother Mary’s Grace
“Thoughts in Christ” by Fr. Vladimir Berzonsky
“Thoughts in Christ” by Fr. Vladimir Berzonsky
Simple Command—Simple Completion
“Thoughts in Christ” by Fr. Vladimir Berzonsky
Scripture Fulfilled
“Life in Christ” by Fr. John Breck
Forgiveness Sunday Homily
by Misc. Authors
by Fr. John Parker
St John Chrysostom’s Catechetical Homily, proclaimed…
Spiritual Joy
“Thoughts in Christ” by Fr. Vladimir Berzonsky
A Desert of Your Own
“Thoughts in Christ” by Fr. Vladimir Berzonsky
Love and Forgiveness
“Thoughts in Christ” by Fr. Vladimir Berzonsky