Reflections in Christ

Ex nihilo (1)
“Life in Christ” by Fr. John Breck
To Qualify as an Apostle
“Thoughts in Christ” by Fr. Vladimir Berzonsky
Too Busy to Die
“Thoughts in Christ” by Fr. Vladimir Berzonsky
Blessed Dissatisfaction
by Misc. Authors
The driving guitar rift and raspy-voiced lyrics of this Rolling Stones classic gives a kind of pop-articulation to the…
Lost Souls
“Life in Christ” by Fr. John Breck
Through Baptism, Grace
“Life in Christ” by Fr. John Breck
Eternal God: a Little Child
“Life in Christ” by Fr. John Breck
Living Sacrifices
“Thoughts in Christ” by Fr. Vladimir Berzonsky
The Vine and the Branches
“Thoughts in Christ” by Fr. Vladimir Berzonsky