Reflections in Christ

Church Billboard Slogans
“Life in Christ” by Fr. John Breck
Maggie, Terri, and the Problem of Life-Support
“Life in Christ” by Fr. John Breck
Media Bias
“Thoughts in Christ” by Fr. Vladimir Berzonsky
When Every Soul Is Made Alive
“Thoughts in Christ” by Fr. Vladimir Berzonsky
Choosing Life Partners
“Thoughts in Christ” by Fr. Vladimir Berzonsky
The Great Feast of the Ascension: The Event Between Events
“Thoughts in Christ” by Fr. Vladimir Berzonsky
“Thou hast ascended in glory bringing joy to Thy disciples with the promise of the Holy Spirit, O Lord! Glory to Thee!” ...
By Thy Holy Spirit
“Life in Christ” by Fr. John Breck
Through Your Glorious Ascension
“Life in Christ” by Fr. John Breck
The World, the Flesh, and the Devil
“Thoughts in Christ” by Fr. Vladimir Berzonsky