“You are gods”
A dear friend of mine suggested that I might be interested in the Biblical exegesis of Mike Heiser (of whom I had never heard), so I looked up…
by Fr. Lawrence Farley
A dear friend of mine suggested that I might be interested in the Biblical exegesis of Mike Heiser (of whom I had never heard), so I looked up…
by Misc. Authors · by Lenten Reflections
“Rejoice in the Lord; rejoice in the Lord; rejoice in the Lord. May the Lord guard your soul and body and spirit from every evil, as well as…”
by Misc. Authors
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that…
by Misc. Authors · by Lenten Reflections
Church closed. Community members scattered widely. Weeks without normal daily and weekly routine, without spiritual instruction, without icons to…
by Fr. Lawrence Farley
Anyone wandering about near a freezing cold pond one night near the city of Sebaste in the year 320 would have seen an astounding sight: forty…
by Misc. Authors · by Lenten Reflections
We have completed the first week of the Great Fast! We began it one week ago by receiving the universal impetus gathered as the…
by Fr. Lawrence Farley
In 1992, a spotlight was left too close to a curtain in Windsor Castle in England, and the heat from that spotlight caused the…
by Fr. Lawrence Farley
I suspect that every pastor has been asked this question at one time or another, and it usually comes from one of the more junior members of the…
by Fr. Lawrence Farley
In an issue of the Road to Emmaus journal I read a wonderful interview with Fr. Artemy Vladimirov, a priest in Moscow, in which…
by Fr. Lawrence Farley
For most English speaking people in our culture, the Lord’s Prayer ends with the words, “For Thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and…”