December 2, 2014
Acts 8:4-13 Philip and the Samaritans
4 Now those who were scattered went about preaching…
Chancellor’s Diary by Fr. John Jillions
4 Now those who were scattered went about preaching…
by Fr. Lawrence Farley
“The magic of childhood” is a phrase which has become so proverbial that there is a Pinterest selection dedicated to it. Childhood is wistfully hailed and…
Chancellor’s Diary by Fr. John Jillions
As Americans prepare to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday…
Chancellor’s Diary by Fr. John Jillions
54 Now when they heard these things they were enraged, and…
by Fr. Steven Kostoff
In the Orthodox Prayer Book under the heading “Before Sleep,” we find “A Prayer of Saint John of Damascus, said pointing at the bed.” This particular prayer begins…
Chancellor’s Diary by Fr. John Jillions
Chancellor’s Diary by Fr. John Jillions
8 And Stephen, full of grace and power, did great wonders….
Chancellor’s Diary by Fr. John Jillions
Now in these days when the disciples were increasing in number, the…
Chancellor’s Diary by Fr. John Jillions
33 When they heard this they were enraged and wanted…
Chancellor’s Diary by Fr. John Jillions