Reflections in Christ

by Metropolitan Tikhon

Reflection on the commemoration of the Beheading of Saint John the Forerunner

As the liturgical year draws to a close, the life of the Forerunner comes to its earthly end. As he goes before Christ—before us—in all things, so it is with the end of the year. May the holy Forerunner’s prayers forerun us in all our doings, and may his intercessions especially go before us when the years of our life come to an end; may his…

Reflection on the commemoration of the Image “Not-Made-By-Hands” of our Lord Jesus Christ

In a narrow sense, today’s celebration focuses on the holy Mandylion, the cloth that miraculously bore the image of Christ, which the Lord sent to Abgar of Edessa and which was later translated to Constantinople. In a broader sense, however, this feast reminds us that Jesus Christ, the true Image of the Father, was not made by human hands or born…

Reflection on the Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos

“In falling asleep, thou didst not forsake the world, O Theotokos.” Today the most pure Mother goes to join her Son in the heavens, but she does not abandon her children on earth. On the Cross, Christ said to us, his disciples, “Behold your mother.” And today, we know that our Mother, even though she has passed beyond the stars, remains with…

Reflection on the Glorification of Saint Herman of Alaska

Joyous feast of Saint Herman to one and all! Nearly two hundred years after his repose and over fifty years since his glorification, Saint Herman, the patron saint of North America and of the Orthodox Church in America, remains the “joyful North Star” of those who profess Christ in an Orthodox manner in this land. Though today we celebrate his…

Address to the Pilgrims at the Conclusion of Liturgy

Monastery of the Transfiguration
Ellwood City, Pennsylvania
August 6, 2023

I greet all of you who have gathered as pilgrims to celebrate the great feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord here in this sacred place. I am grateful to Mother Christophora and the sisterhood of the Holy Transfiguration monastery for welcoming me and all of the pilgrims…

Reflection on the Feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord

Christ is transfigured, in his light we see light: the divine light that radiates forth from him and transfigures his saints. Some saints, such as Abba Joseph and the Venerable Seraphim, were visibly transfigured during their lifetimes. Some saints were transfigured at the time of their death – at the hour of their repose, a pillar of light was…

Homily on the Feast of the Transfiguration

Monastery of the Transfiguration
Ellwood City, Pennsylvania
August 6, 2023

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Today, Christ is transfigured. The one who kindled the sun at the beginning of time, who allotted radiance to the moon, who made the stars to blaze forth in the darkness of the void, who fashioned the colors…

Reflection on the Procession of the Life-Giving Wood

Today is the first of the three feasts of the Savior celebrated in August, and this feast has traditionally been a day for the blessing of freshly collected honey. There is a practical reason for this: August is the beginning of the harvest season, and the fruits of the harvest are blessed on various days throughout the month. But there is also a…

Reflection on the commemoration of Holy Great Martyr and Unmercenary Healer Panteleimon

St. Panteleimon is a saint for all seasons: a martyr, a healer, a patron of Orthodox soldiers and sailors, an ally in spiritual warfare. And this befits his name, which means “all-merciful”: St. Panteleimon makes the mercy of God manifest to us in the many facets of our lives. He should be our regular intercessor in pain, passing sickness,…

Reflection on the commemoration of Righteous Yakov (James), Enlightener of the Peoples of Alaska

St. Yakov, the son of a Russian father and an Aleut mother, devoted himself to what was best in both his cultures: holy Orthodoxy and the time-hallowed native traditions that were consonant with it. However, his horizons were not defined by his descent. True, he received his seminary training in Russia and then served a parish based on his…

Reflection on the Dormition of Righteous Anna, Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos and Grandmother of Jesus Christ

The mystery of Christ’s Incarnation is fathomless; we can never exhaust our contemplation of the mystery whereby the Only-begotten of the Father became man in time. And as we celebrate the feast of St. Anna, the mother of the all-holy Theotokos, we are reminded of one of the many small miracles of the Incarnation: Christ, when he was conceived of…

Reflection on the commemoration of Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene

St. Mary Magdalene was full of tender love toward her Lord: it was that love that led her to the garden on Easter morning, where she hoped to anoint his Body with myrrh. And yet even that love, admirable as it is, had to be transformed. “Do not touch me, do not cling to me,” the Risen Lord told her. She was called to a higher love and a higher…

Sermon at the Divine Liturgy at the Assembly of the Archdiocese of Canada

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

In today’s brief Gospel, if we read it superficially, we come away with a quaint and softly comforting picture familiar from dated religious art of mediocre quality: a non-threatening Jesus sits amid the multitudes, doling out healings freely to grateful supplicants.

The contrast…

Reflection on the commemoration of Holy Prophet Elijah

In the Byzantine period, it was customary to build chapels to St. Elijah in mountainous places, presumably so he could aid those who fared in those places by his prayers. In old Rus, his help was sought both in droughts and in dangerous storms. In the present day, it is not uncommon for priests to bless vehicles on St. Elijah’s feast, since he is…

Address at the Assembly of the Archdiocese of Canada

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Your Eminence Archbishop Irénée,
Your Grace Bishop Alexei, 
My beloved brothers and concelebrants in the Lord’s Mysteries;

And also reverend clergy, honored delegates, all attendees of this Archdiocesan Assembly of the Archdiocese of Canada, my beloved children in the Lord:…

Reflection on the commemoration of Venerable Seraphim of Sarov

“Christ is risen, my joy!” St. Seraphim’s characteristic greeting is well known. Also well known is his love for animals and his friendship even with bears. However, we should not allow St. Seraphim to become for us a sort of Santa Claus figure, friendly and soft. St. Seraphim’s ascesis—kneeling on a rock for a thousand days, the chains he…

Reflection on the commemoration of Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Vladimir

Prior to his conversion, St. Vladimir was an infamous polygamist, fornicator, and worshipper of idols. And indeed, we know from the story of Solomon that these behaviors—sexual incontinence and the worship of idols—are often connected. The Scriptures often connect the cults of pagan gods with unrestrained amorous behavior; more than this, they…

Reflection on the commemoration of Venerable Sergius of Radonezh

St. Sergius of Radonezh is considered among the greatest of the Russian saints and, as the patron of the chapel at the old chancery in Syosset, he also has a special relationship to the Orthodox Church in America. He is himself a great saint, but he was also a son, disciple, friend, and teacher of saints. His parents, Cyril and Maria, are canonized;…

Reflection on the Synaxis of the Twelve Apostles

The twelve apostles shine as precious stones in the breastplate of the Great High Priest Jesus Christ; their ministry and martyrdom are the foundations of the Church forever, as the Theologian bears witness in the record of his revelation. There is a striking icon known by two names, “The Preaching of the Apostles” or “The Church of Christ.”…

Homily at the Divine Liturgy for Saints Peter and Paul

Saint Nicholas Cathedral
June 29, 2023

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the persons and lives of the holy chief apostles whom we celebrate today, we can discern any number of similarities, any number of parallels. Both took new names that signified their apostolic calling—Simon became Peter, and Saul…